ESG ratings

Data on Gazprom's environmental and climate protection, social and corporate governance (ESG) activities are analyzed on a regular basis to draw up ratings and rankings.

The Company occupies leading positions in Russian ratings; inter alia, Gazprom ranks among the leaders in the RUIE sustainability indices (Responsibility and Transparency index, Sustainable Development Vector index).

The Gazprom Group's Social Impact Report is one of the main sources of the ESG data.

PJSC Gazprom’s ESG ratings

Rating/index 2023
Sustainability ranking of industrial Russian companies by the National Rating Agency (NRA) 0.796 (group 1, advanced)
Russian business’ sustainability index (by RBC and the NCR rating agency) Category 1 (high)
Best employer rating from Forbes Gold
Expert RA rating of corporate governance quality
AK&M ESG reporting rating Highest level of disclosure
Responsibility and Transparency Index (MOEX—RUIE) А (leader group)
Sustainability Vector Index (MOEX—RUIE) А (leader group)
Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating 56.2
CHRB 6.4
RAEX ESG Corporate Ranking BBB