Best Training Equipment and Teaching Aids

The show contest for the best training equipment and teaching aids intended for use in the System of continuous corporate professional education of employees of Gazprom and its subsidiaries & entities (SCCPE) is held every two years in order to:

  • review, identify, select on a competitive basis and subsequently implement the most promising developments, novel solutions, and new training methods & tools in the teaching practices of the educational facilities that form part of the SCCPE of Gazprom;
  • improve the quality of professional skills training offered to employees and create a single corporate education environment;
  • engage managers and specialists, as well as teachers and industrial training specialists in the development of teaching & learning materials used in the teaching process;
  • pool and promote best personnel training practices and inform employees about the development of the SCCPE of Gazprom;
  • monitor and provide coverage of the activities carried out by Gazprom's educational facilities as regards the use of training equipment and teaching aids.

The contest allows educational institutions to showcase their achievements, demonstrate the results brought about by the use of cutting-edge methods and effective techniques in personnel training, as well as enjoy the unique possibility of earning the recognition of colleagues, receive motivation for professional growth, compare their developments with those of other participants and share experiences.

The first show contest was held in 2011.

June 24, 2022

Best Training Equipment and Teaching Aids for the SCCPE 2020–2021