HR policy
General principles
Guided by the International Labor Organization Conventions, the Gazprom Group adheres to international standards on freedom of association, wages, working time and conditions, remuneration, social security, paid vacations, occupational safety, etc.
As of December 31, 2023, the headcount of the Group's employees was 498,100.
The Gazprom Group's employees make up 0.7 per cent of the total employment across Russia.

Gazprom Group's employment structure as of December 31, 2023, %
The number of employees at the Gazprom Group's core companies focused on gas production, transmission, underground storage and processing totaled 237,200.
Employee motivation
The Gazprom Group's employee motivation system includes both financial and non-financial incentives and is aimed at attracting and retaining qualified personnel, as well as increasing employees' commitment to high performance.
The remuneration systems across the Gazprom Group's subsidiaries establish basic salaries and salary scales commensurate with qualifications and professional aptitude, recurring performance-related bonuses, supplementary payments and increments depending on working conditions and scope of duties, non-recurring bonuses (including for putting production facilities into operation, completing the construction of facilities, introducing new equipment, saving energy resources, discovering new hydrocarbon deposits), and compensation based on work results.
The unified corporate norms for remuneration are outlined in the Model Regulation on remuneration for employees of the Gazprom Group's subsidiaries approved by Gazprom's Order No. 377 dated December 20, 2012.
The incentive tools for top managers of Gazprom and its core subsidiaries focused on gas production, transmission, underground storage, processing and marketing approved by the Company's Board of Directors Resolution No. 927 dated December 19, 2006, include:
- the annual bonus system taking into account the corporate and individual key performance indicators of the Company in the reporting year. The list of corporate indicators includes unit costs for gas production and for gas transportation, gas sales volume in physical terms, cost saving on purchases of goods (works, services), and commissioning of priority production facilities;
- the equity participation program for Gazprom's top managers, aimed at motivating the Company's key officers to increase the market value of Gazprom's shares in the long term.
As a motivation tool for the Gazprom Group's employees, the Company has introduced a system of incentive awards from the Russian Government, the Russian Ministry of Energy, and Gazprom.
Official documents
The following documents fully define the role and significance of the Gazprom Group personnel as a strategic resource and extensively specify the key approaches to protecting the labor rights of employees, providing them with comprehensive social support and creating conditions for their continuous professional and personal growth:
- the HR Management Policy of Gazprom, its subsidiaries and entities;
- the Comprehensive Program for Improvement of HR Management at Gazprom, its subsidiaries and entities;
- the General Collective Agreement of Gazprom and its subsidiaries;
- the Code of Corporate Ethics of Gazprom.
Social policy
Gazprom's social policy is an integral part of the human resources policy and is aimed at maintaining the Company's competitive advantage in the labor market and creating an effective system of social security for employees.
The underlying principle of social security is a social partnership based on a constructive and mutual dialogue between employees and employers, which is aimed at regulating social and employment relationships.
The main avenues and principles of the social policy are outlined in the key social document – the General Collective Agreement of Gazprom and its subsidiaries.
Vladimir Kovalchuk, Chairman of Gazprom Workers’ Union Interregional Organization, and Alexey Miller during signing General Collective Agreement
At present, Gazprom implements a social policy that provides social security for employees, motivates them for long-term and efficient work at the Company, offers benefits, guarantees and compensations, healthcare services and health resort treatment, various types of private insurance, and supplementary pensions, and creates comfortable and safe working conditions.
Gazprom runs a housing assistance program based on mortgage loans to support employees facing housing problems.
The social and employment relationships across the Gazprom Group are regulated in accordance with the Russian labor legislation, the General Agreement signed by Russian trade unions, national employer associations, and the Government, the Industry Agreement for the companies engaged in the oil and gas industry and in the construction of oil and gas industry facilities, collective agreements, and other local regulations of the Gazprom Group's organizations.
The Group's social policy is aimed at ensuring that the partner relationships between employees and employers are well-balanced.
The interests of the employees of the Gazprom Group are represented by the Gazprom Workers’ Union Interregional Organization.