Focus on professionalism
Gazprom is a global energy company. Our employees work in all the time zones and practically in all the latitudes, not only in Russia but in other countries as well. The Company's staff is one of Gazprom's main and valued resources, as a successful business hinges on the people involved.
The process of gas production and its supply to consumers is extremely complicated; it requires special knowledge and skills. Natural gas has to travel a long way from a well to a gas pipeline and pass many kilometers to reach the consumer. Every stage requires coordinated and precise work of professionals as components of a sophisticated but well-adjusted mechanism. That's why the gas industry employees have to be true professionals devoted to their work.
Gas worker is the best profession
We value every employee's work, trying to ensure comfortable and safe labor conditions and maximum possibilities for growth and development.
Being aware that the way to professionalism starts with high-quality education, for several years Gazprom has been implementing special collaboration programs with leading specialized higher education institutions. The collaboration is based on specialized training and improvement of educational programs to minimize costs for adaptation of young professionals to their new job. Gazprom pursues the objective of prioritized training of personnel for strategic projects and new technologies, as well as recruitment of the best graduates and further training of employees.
A total of 18 Russian higher education institutions have been chosen by Gazprom as the Company's partner universities. Among them are:
- Kazan State Technical University;
- Bauman Moscow State Technical University;
- Lomonosov Moscow State University;
- National Research University Higher School of Economics;
- National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;
- Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas;
- Empress Catherine II St. Petersburg Mining University;
- St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University;
- St. Petersburg State University of Economics;
- Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University;
- Industrial University of Tyumen;
- Ufa State Petroleum Technological University;
- Ukhta State Technical University.
Gazprom is in special partnership with the following universities:
- Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University;
- Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping;
- Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University;
- St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”;
- Innopolis University.
The higher education institutions were selected on the basis of such criteria as their research programs correspondence to the Company's technological priorities, effectiveness of their scientific and innovative activities, competitive advantages in education, international recognition, and financial robustness.
Currently Gazprom comprises two secondary vocational education institutions:
Gazprom and its subsidiary companies support education institutions in creation of laboratories and training bases, compilation of educational materials and arrangement of students' practice. The higher and secondary vocational education institutions engage managers and professionals from Gazprom as teachers.
Students are our future
Since 2014, Gazprom has been implementing the Gazprom Classes project to train a future talent pool and perfect the Company's career guidance activities.
Subsidiaries and entities of Gazprom along with higher and secondary vocational education institutions carry out activities to select most promising school graduates for subsequent specialized education at universities and secondary vocational education institutions.
Since 2016, the Company in collaboration with its partner universities has been carrying out the Gazprom Industry Olympiad for Schoolchildren to find talented young people interested in engineering and technical professions and capable of technical creativity and innovative thinking with an ambition to start a career in the gas sector.
The Company, jointly with 14 of Russia's leading higher education institutions, has been the organizer of the Student Olympiad of Gazprom since 2018.
The Olympiad participants can test their knowledge in an intellectual tournament, demonstrate in practice their innovative thinking and technical creativity and get an opportunity of internship at and employment with Gazprom.
The Olympiad is held in the key subjects of Gazprom's partner universities:
- Petroleum Engineering;
- Information Systems and Technologies;
- Applied Geology;
- Radio Engineering and Telecommunications Systems;
- Technosphere Safety;
- Control in Technical Systems;
- Chemical Engineering;
- Power Generation and Electrical Engineering;
- Energy and Resource Saving Technologies;
- Economics;
- Shipbuilding.
Employer-sponsored training
The option of employer-sponsored targeted education is provided by Gazprom in compliance with the requirements of Federal Laws Nos. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012, and 337-FZ dated August 3, 2018, as well as Russian Government Directive No. 1681 dated October 13, 2020.
For the purpose of ensuring the compliance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation aimed at targeted specialist training, the subsidiaries and entities of Gazprom (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") carry out a set of career guidance and qualifying activities to choose the best and most promising candidates for receiving employer-sponsored targeted education (subject olympiads, testing, questioning, interviewing, portfolio competition, and other assessment activities).
The list of candidates for receiving employer-sponsored targeted higher education includes students of higher and secondary vocational education institutions, as well as students of Gazprom Classes and regional preparatory departments of Gazprom's partner universities, winners and awardees of the Gazprom Industry Olympiad for Schoolchildren, the Student Olympiad of Gazprom, and the most promising graduates of educational institutions located where the companies operate.
Since 2007, the Successful Start open competition among young professionals has been held in Novy Urengoy (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area).
A contest for nominal scholarship which is awarded to the students of both higher and secondary vocational education institutions is annually held by the Company to reward the Gazprom-sponsored students for their special academic achievements.
Every year, over 11,000 students of higher and secondary vocational education institutions take part in practical trainings at the production facilities of Gazprom's subsidiaries and entities.
Participants of Gathering of Gazprom-sponsored students in Polyanskoye Gas Pipeline Operation Center at Gazprom Transgaz Ufa
Investment in human capital
Gazprom has in place the Continuous Vocational Education and Training System which is aimed at providing the development of the Company's employees with due consideration of the increasing requirements to production processes and the quality of work and taking into account the adoption of new technologies and the expansion of the Gazprom Group's territory of operation. The training programs are implemented at Gazprom's educational organizations and the production & training centers of the Company's subsidiaries, as well as at leading Russian higher education institutions.
Gazprom's approaches to workforce training and retraining make it possible to manage the people's knowledge efficiently and form a talent pool capable of achieving innovative development goals. Every year, over 450,000 employees of the Gazprom Group complete training under skills upgrading and professional retraining programs.
Gazprom pays particular attention to the work with young specialists. The Company implements an individual approach to training and development of this category of employees. Every year, Gazprom hires over 2,000 specialists who graduated from higher and secondary vocational education institutions. The Coordination Youth Council of Gazprom's subsidiaries and entities has been established in the Company. The Councils of Young Scientists and Specialists are functioning in the subsidiaries; the Company holds scientific and technical conferences for young specialists which are attended by the subsidiaries' employees aged under 35 years.
Career development programs: over 450,000 Gazprom employees in annual attendance
More than 2,000 PhD holders and over 120 Doctors of Sciences work at Gazprom's subsidiaries.
Gazprom VNIIGAZ has organized and maintains postgraduate studies and has appointed two dissertation committees for PhD and Doctoral theses defense in 5 scientific specialties.
Gazprom also provides various grants to the employees of the Company's subsidiaries who undertake professional post-graduate and doctorate studies.
Besides, Gazprom subsidiaries collaborate with regional education institutions for training and career development among the employees who live in regions of their business.