
Volunteering is integral to the corporate culture of the Gazprom Group. More than 155,000 employees a year volunteer for various social, environmental, patriotic, cultural & educational, and other initiatives. 

Initiatives aimed at preserving historical memory and providing patriotic education are especially important to Gazprom's corporate volunteers. Employees of the Gazprom Group regularly join the Memory Watch military-patriotic campaigns.

Another popular area of volunteering at Gazprom is targeted fundraisers and charity actions meant to support those who need them most.

Volunteers from Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk giving puppet show for children in Noyabrsk jointly with children's city library
Volunteers from Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk giving puppet show for children in Noyabrsk jointly with children's city library

Volunteers from Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk giving puppet show for children in Noyabrsk jointly with children's city library

The corporate volunteering system at the Gazprom Group is continuously being improved. The number of volunteers and beneficiaries grows along with the range of projects being supported.

Volunteers from Gazprom Transgaz Saratov cleaning Volga River’s course during Course for Water environmental campaign
Volunteers from Gazprom Transgaz Saratov cleaning Volga River’s course during Course for Water environmental campaign

Volunteers from Gazprom Transgaz Saratov cleaning Volga River’s course during Course for Water environmental campaign

Volunteers from Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg at annual Green Spring environmental cleanup
Volunteers from Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg at annual Green Spring environmental cleanup

Volunteers from Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg at annual Green Spring environmental cleanup