Indigenous minorities and Gazprom

Gazprom's production activities cover, inter alia, areas that have traditionally been home to indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia, and Russia's Far East.

In line with federal laws and internal corporate documents, the Gazprom Group companies make efforts to protect the original habitat and traditional lifestyles of these minorities, preserve and advance their unique cultures, and maintain biodiversity in the territories of traditional nature use.

Principles of cooperation with indigenous minorities

Respect for cultures 

  • Preservation of original habitats and traditional way of life of indigenous minorities
  • Rational use of natural resources in territories where indigenous minorities live
  • Planning the Gazprom Group's operations in respective regions to reflect activities and nomadic lifestyle of indigenous minorities

Constructive cooperation 

  • Enhancing partnerships with associations of indigenous minorities and administrations of municipal districts to address social and economic challenges and develop local settlements
  • Equal cooperation and mutual interests in dealing with common objectives

Information transparency

  • Compliance with laws and regulations that protect the rights and interests of indigenous minorities
  • Holding public hearings and liaising with associations of indigenous minorities

Social responsibility

  • Involvement in addressing social issues of indigenous minorities
  • Assistance in implementing projects of educational institutions in local settlements and preservation of long-standing traditions
  • Support for academically successful and talented students from among indigenous minorities
  • Ensuring accessibility of products and healthcare services for nomadic peoples in the regions where the Gazprom Group operates

Gazprom's interactions with indigenous minorities are regulated by the following documents:

the Regional Policy Concept of Gazprom (PDF, 73.9 KB);

the Environmental Policy of Gazprom (PDF, 30.2 KB);

the Code of Corporate Ethics of Gazprom (PDF, 108.1 KB).

The Gazprom Group companies systematically support the communities of indigenous minorities along the following lines:

  • financing of initiatives to support indigenous minorities and promote their traditional activities; 
  • notification of local governments well in advance of the Group’s plans to engage in any operational activities (construction and laying of gas trunklines, temporary roads and railroads, etc.) in the regions where indigenous minorities traditionally live and are active;
  • assistance in provision of transportation services to peoples engaged in traditional activities; 
  • charity support to regional non-profit organizations of indigenous minorities.