Gazprom for Children

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Fully aware that the younger generation has a central role to play in the country's future, Gazprom pays special attention to children's and youth development projects. One of the key initiatives is the Gazprom for Children project aimed at creating a favorable environment for harmonious intellectual, cultural and physical development of children and youth, as well as attracting as many youngsters to sports and arts as possible. 

Track and field stadium in St. Petersburg

Track and field stadium in St. Petersburg

Sports ground in Peredovoy settlement, Stavropol Territory

Sports ground in Peredovoy settlement, Stavropol Territory

Since 2007, over 2,100 modern sports facilities have been constructed under the Project, including more than 200 sports and health centers. The Project spans 74 Russian regions, offering in many localities the first opportunity for children and teenagers to practice sports activities in comfortable conditions. The erected sports facilities are designed to be used by over 265,000 people a day.

Sports complex in Volgograd

Sports complex in Volgograd

Table tennis center in Orenburg

Table tennis center in Orenburg