Energy Management System
Gazprom has created and successfully adopted the Energy Saving and Operational Energy Efficiency Management System, or the Energy Management System (EnMS).
The fundamental document of the system is the Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Policy of Gazprom.
Gazprom's Energy Management System covers 26 subsidiaries involved in the core activities and classified as falling under the scope of the EnMS, as well as the structural units of Gazprom's Administration.
The Company has in place a standing Working Group for the development, adoption, preparation for certification, and improvement of Gazprom's System for Efficient Use of Fuel and Energy Resources (Energy Management System).
In June 2020, Gazprom's Energy Management System was certified for compliance with the requirements of the ISO 50001:2018 international standard with the international UKAS (United Kingdom) accreditation. The certification was obtained for the following types of activities:
- production and treatment of natural gas and gas condensate;
- transportation of natural gas;
- power, heat and water supply to, as well as operation of, energy equipment at the facilities of the Unified Gas Supply System;
- underground gas storage.
The adoption of the formal requirements of the ISO 50001 standard, along with the subsequent certification of the system for compliance with said standard, prove that:
- Gazprom's activities match the practices of the world's leading companies in terms of energy efficiency and resource efficiency;
- the Company pays close attention to the rational consumption of its energy resources and the environmental impacts it makes, and helps consumers adopt practices for the rational use of resources;
- Gazprom supports national and international legislative initiatives in the spheres of energy efficiency and environmental impact reduction, including those related to climate change.
The organizational advantages from the adoption of the ISO 50001 standard and the certification will allow the Company to streamline energy saving efforts at its subsidiaries.