Environmental Management System

Please direct questions relating to the Company’s Environmental Policy to Gazprom’s Press Service.

+7 812 729-47-60


Environmental Policy (PDF, 30.2 KB)

Certificate of compliance of the Environmental Management System GOST R ISO 14001-2016 (PDF, 912 KB)

Certificate of compliance of the Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015 (PDF, 942.7 KB)

In 1995, Gazprom became the first oil and gas company in Russia to adopt an Environmental Policy.


The Environmental Management System (EMS) is the mainstay of Gazprom's Environmental Policy (the fundamental document regulating the Company's environmental activities).

In 2015, the revised Environmental Policy was approved by the Gazprom Management Committee's Resolution. The necessity for revision arose in light of the Company's expanding scope of activities and geographic reach and increasing business diversification, as well as the changes in the national environmental legislation. The new Environmental Policy outlines the additional responsibilities for ensuring environmental safety during hydrocarbon development operations on the continental shelf and in the Russian Arctic, as well as for minimizing adverse environmental impacts, including impacts on highly vulnerable and specially protected natural areas.

Stationary and mobile environmental monitoring stations
Stationary and mobile environmental monitoring stations

Stationary and mobile environmental monitoring stations

Gazprom's EMS encompasses the structural units of the Company's Administration, 37 wholly-owned subsidiaries engaged in core activities, the Environmental Inspectorate of Gazprom, and Gazprom's Corporate R&D Center for environmental safety and energy efficiency within Gazprom VNIIGAZ.


In 2023, the environmental expenses of the Gazprom Group amounted to RUB 96.23 billion.

Gazprom's Working Group for EMS Improvement is a permanent body responsible for ensuring a comprehensive approach to and coordination of environmental management efforts across the Company's structural units.

Gazprom takes appropriate measures to continuously improve its environmental performance.

Gazprom's 2023 progress on Corporate environmental targets for 2023–2025, per cent


Corporate environmental target

Subsidiaries covered by EMS

Baseline (2018)

2023 value


Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions during natural gas transmission, t of СО2 eq. / bln m3 ⋅ km

Subsidiaries engaged in natural gas transmission




Reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions into the atmosphere, t / mln mof fuel gas

Subsidiaries engaged in natural gas transmission




Reduction of excess discharge of pollutants into surface water bodies, per cent

All subsidiaries that discharge pollutants into surface water bodies




Reduction of the share of disposed waste in the total waste being handled, per cent

All subsidiaries




Reduction of the share of subsidiaries that exceeded 5 per cent payment level for excess environmental impacts, per cent

All subsidiaries



Continuous improvement

Efforts aimed at improving environmental awareness and culture among staff are integral to successful environmental management.

In 2019–2023, over 40,000 people received environmental training within the Gazprom Group.

Gazprom also holds a Contest among environmental services and ecologists of its subsidiaries.

Environmental training of Gazprom Group’s staff, 2019–2023, persons

Environmental training of Gazprom Group’s staff, 2019–2023, persons