Springtime in Bovanenkovo
April 7, 2014

For the workers of the Bovanenkovskoye field, spring is not just the time when the tiresome polar night ends. Spring brings snowstorms.

Roads, even those built several meters above the ground, are covered with heavy snow. But a regular inspection of gas well clusters still needs to be done. That’s when a bulldozer comes to aid.

A gas operator gets to a cluster and carries out a visual inspection of all the equipment.

A state-of-the-art telemechanic system runs at the Bovanenkovskoye field, ensuring remote operation and monitoring of wells

If to rephrase an old saying, it’s better to over-control something than under-control it. This rule works perfectly well in the gas industry, better than anywhere else.

The operator reports the visual inspection results to the control center via a walkie-talkie.

Done here. Moving on to the next cluster.