• Rooting for our national team!
  • December 26, 2014

    Stable Corporation. Interview with Andrey Kruglov

    Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 12, interview was taken by Sergey Pravosudov

    Andrey Kruglov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Head of the Department for Finance and Economics of Gazprom answers the questions posed by the Gazprom Magazine.

    December 24, 2014

    10 major power generation facilities constructed by Gazprom

    10 major power generation facilities constructed by Gazprom

    Gazprom is the leader of the Russian power market. The Company’s share in Russian power generation averages 17 per cent.

    December 17, 2014

    Expanding Blue Corridor

    Photo Essay
    Material by Natalia Kupriyanova, Kirill Anufriev (Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo), Eugene Pronin (Gazprom Export), Vladimir Tatarkin and Gazprom website Editorial Board

    Another (eighth) motor rally for natural gas powered vehicles, called Blue Corridor, took place in early October. Once again a motorcade of NGVs took part in a rally to back up the most eco-friendly, technologically advanced and promising type of fuel – natural gas.

    December 15, 2014

    Full Alert

    Photo Essay
    Material by Elena Gorbacheva, Alexey Alexeenko (Gazprom Geologorazvedka) and Gazprom website Editorial Board

    Water rescue drills and oil spill response exercises are an essential part of our operational activity. Now we are going to tell you about the exercises arranged by Gazprom Geologorazvedka in the Sea of Okhotsk, where the company is drilling two exploratory wells within the Yuzhno-Kirinskoye field.

    December 12, 2014

    Our flag on top of Europe

    Small Photo Essay
    Material by Nikolai Chernov, Elena Fomenko, Alexander Zavodnov, Igor Larionov, Oleg Sebelev (Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol) and Gazprom website Editorial Board

    Elbrus is the highest mountain peak in Europe located north of the Greater Caucasus main range. It is a dormant stratovolcano with a highest point at 5,642 meters above the sea level. Hundreds of mountaineers climb Elbrus every year, especially in summer – the most appropriate season for trekking. The 7-day expedition of gas workers from Stavropol to the western summit of Elbrus was devoted to the Year of Environmental Awareness at Gazprom.

    November 7, 2014

    We are for Green Russia!

    Photo Essay
    Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

    On August 30, 2014 the Green Russia countrywide environmental cleanup took place. Over 64 thousand people from 55 Gazprom’s subsidiaries across the country from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, from Nadym to Krasnodar participated in this campaign.

    There is a photo essay of this event.

    November 5, 2014

    Summer at Olympic heights

    Photo Essay
    Material by Elena Plyusnina (Gazprom Sotsinvest) and Gazprom website Editorial Board

    Summer at Olympic heights

    What to practice at Krasnaya Polyana resorts in summer? In order to make the answer known to as many guests of the Sochi city as possible, employees of Gazprom’s Mountain Tourist Center invited journalists to make a tour around the resort facilities. During the tour, media representatives, editors of tourism websites and bloggers were also followed by some vacationers. See the day of a deep dive into the active leisure in our new ‘Olympic’ photo report.

    September 22, 2014

    At highest point

    Small Photo Essay
    Material by Tatiana Zezyulina, Tatiana Gracheva (Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar) and Gazprom website Editorial Board

    The Maikop – Samurskaya – Sochi gas pipeline route is one of Gazprom’s most complicated ones. Running through the Greater Caucasus Range, it crosses 400 natural barriers, goes through mountain streams and spurs. Grachevsky Pass is the most difficult to access high-altitude gas pipeline section. We took advantage of the lucky opportunity and went there together with the top management of the Maikop Line Pipe Operation Center who carried out a helicopter inspection of the gas pipeline. We’re flying to the highest gas pipeline point – 1,324 meters.

    September 1, 2014

    Buyers are unable and sellers are unwilling

    Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 9

    After the record-setting 2013 year, Gazprom’s sales keep steadily growing in the European market. Does the current situation in the gas market really satisfy all its participants? The evidence of trouble is the repeatedly occurring conflict about pricing conditions of long-term contracts used by companies from gas exporting countries. Gazprom is no exception here. Just like other suppliers, it is experiencing increasing pressure from its partners who seek to reduce contract prices. Amidst the continuing price revisions often leading to arbitration proceedings, Russian gas sales are growing. By obtaining discounts often coupled with retroactive payments, such buyers go further in their demands and ask for more favors. When one client succeeds in the price reduction issue, the others see it as a guide to follow. The campaign for new discounts which receives full backing of the European Commission and national governments has become a widespread phenomenon endangering stable receipts from gas export.

    Let’s try to get the essence of the problem and answer the question: how justified is the demand for price revision? Avoiding turnkey solutions, we propose a range of possible actions that could improve the situation and protect commercial interests of gas suppliers.

    August 22, 2014

    Working in Vyakhirev way – working with love for what you do

    Rem Vyakhirev

    August 23, 2014 is the 80th anniversary of birth of Rem Vyakhirev, a man who was one of the originators of Gazprom and headed it from 1992 to 2001.

    August 21, 2014

    72 hours

    Photo Essay
    Material by Olga Posadskaya, Valery Gall, Maxim Murzinov, Tatiana Zezyulina (Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar) and Gazprom website Editorial Board

    72 hours

    Blue Stream was shut down on July 1 due to the annual scheduled maintenance of the gas pipeline. It was supposed to take 96 hours, but in fact took just 72.

    July 28, 2014

    Energy is our job!

    Photo Essay
    Material by Ekaterina Anokhina, Yulia Zarubina (TGC-1) and Gazprom website Editorial Board

    Energy is our job!

    Gazprom is a global energy Company. It means that generating and marketing heat and electric power is among our major businesses. In this new photo essay we’ll try to acquaint you with this important component of Gazprom’s activities.

    July 14, 2014

    Belarus – territory of peace

    Photo Essay
    Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

    Belarus – territory of peace

    You probably remember that Belarusian affiliates returned to Gazprom family at the end of 2011. It was then that Beltransgaz became our subsidiary company. Several months later we visited them and, following the visit, posted two stories about our Belarusian colleagues: an interview with Director General Vladimir Mayorov (‘Positive example’) and a photo essay (‘Beltransgaz returns to Gazprom family’).

    Almost three years have passed since then. Beltransgaz has been transformed into Gazprom Transgaz Belarus, all the turmoil of the transition period has died down, and, on the eve of July 3 – Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus, on the 70th anniversary of Belarus liberation from Nazi invaders, we go to the hospitable Belarusian land again to find out what is going on and how well is doing the company that has recently turned into the main taxpayer of the country.

    July 11, 2014

    Millions of new lives

    Small Photo Essay
    Material by Maria Svetlichnaya, Anton Zaglyadimov (Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), Gazprom website Editorial Board

    Millions of new lives

    For three years already Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk has been following a tradition of regularly releasing salmon fingerlings into the Sea of Okhotsk – in order to preserve the ecosystem while carrying out offshore operations and surveys. Over 25 million small fish have been released into the rivers of Sakhalin during these years.

    As part of Gazprom’s Year of Environmental Awareness, Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk set out another lot of over eight million fingerlings into the Sakhalin waters last week, and this is what our photo essay is about.

    June 19, 2014

    Olympic tracks – changing skis to wheels

    Small Photo Essay
    Material by Denis Merkushev and Gazprom website Editorial Board

    It seems that just recently sports battles for the Winter Olympics medals in Sochi have been on – at that time the biathlon stadium and the ski track constructed by Gazprom approved themselves to be superior. Our biathletes and skiers won nine sets of Olympic medals, thus making a great contribution into the medal collection of the Russian Olympic team, which in the end won the first place in the medal standings.

    What is the state of the track now, during its first summer after the Olympics? It turned out that in addition to sports competitions and summer training camps of biathletes and skiers, the track has found another excellent use: the routes plotted by the Olympians are now popular with cyclists. This is not a mere coincidence at all – it’s no secret that cycling wins more and more fans across Russia, that’s why Sochi resorts promptly started improving the cycling tracks, anticipating a large influx of holiday-makers.

    June 2, 2014

    Reliability and stability

    Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 5

    Reliability and stability

    The expansion of the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia and new export projects being pushed ahead to deliver gas from our country to Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, considerably step up claims to the reliability and stability of the blue fuel supply to consumers in Russia and abroad. In this context, underground gas storage (UGS) facilities provide a greater safety margin to Gazprom’s gas transmission systems. Even now the UGS network secures up to 20 per cent of the Company’s blue fuel supply during the heating season, while in cold snaps it may reach 40 per cent. Nevertheless, Gazprom Group stays focused on developing its UGS business.

    April 7, 2014

    Alexander Medvedev: “Sanctions do not affect our business”

    Interview by Alexander Medvedev with Handelsblatt (Germany)

    Alexander Medvedev

    Alexander Medvedev

    Deputy CEO of Gazprom talks about Company’s priorities, dispute with Ukraine and Europe’s fear of supply cut.

    Alexander Medvedev is a frequent visitor to Europe. He is ‘Gazprom’s minister of foreign affairs’. Medvedev is not only the Deputy of the Company’s Head Alexey Miller, but also Director General of Gazprom Export, which means he is in charge of trade with Europe. In his open discussions held in Berlin and Brussels, Medvedev attempts to alleviate fears. He speaks frankly in his interview with Handelsblatt.

    April 7, 2014

    Springtime in Bovanenkovo

    Small Photo Essay
    Material by Andrey Teplyakov, Gennady Litvinov (Gazprom Dobycha Nadym) and Gazprom website Editorial Board

    Springtime in Bovanenkovo

    For the workers of the Bovanenkovskoye field, spring is not just the time when the tiresome polar night ends. Spring brings snowstorms.

    Roads, even those built several meters above the ground, are covered with heavy snow. But a regular inspection of gas well clusters still needs to be done. That’s when a bulldozer comes to aid.

    March 28, 2014

    Growth at downturn

    Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 3

    Growth at downturn

    To lay it on the line, 2013 turned out to be rather an unsuccessful year for the Russian power industry. It was not only due to decreased financial indicators and capitalization of energy companies, but also because many issues crucial for the further development of the energy sector, becoming yet more urgent year by year, had been left unsolved. These include creating a new power market model and mapping out a program for facility retrofitting. Despite the unfavorable market situation and absence of government support, Gazprom by means of managerial decisions keeps maintaining the economic efficiency of its power business and implements a large-scale investment program.

    March 26, 2014

    Sakhalin – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok – tested by nature

    Photo essay
    Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

    Sakhalin – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok – tested by nature

    In one of our photo essays (One day in life of Gazprom headquarters) we mentioned that the global energy company operated simultaneously in all the time zones. “The work for Gazprom is a twenty-four-hour business,” specified the Company’s CEO Alexey Miller.

    Let’s make sure of it once again. We invite you to take another fascinating trip to the Far East of our vast country. This time we are hospitably met at production facilities of the Sakhalin – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok gas trunkline.

    March 13, 2014

    Tons of sulfur concrete

    Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 1–2

    Tons of sulfur concrete

    The importance and economic efficiency of innovations consistently increase when their application provides for solving several tasks at a time. This can be exemplified by Gazprom’s project for developing and initiating the production of modified sulfur binder as well as its materials and structures. This project will permit Gazprom to overcome production obstacles related to gas production from high-sulfur gas fields and to simultaneously create and develop a new promising sub-industry in Russia oriented at production of construction materials.

    February 6, 2014

    Rooting for our national team!

    Photo essay
    Material by Elena Plyusnina, Alexander Vainer (Gazprom Sotsinvest), Gazprom website Editorial Board

    Gazprom has been actively implementing its Olympic investment program in Sochi over the recent seven years. We call this project Gazprom 2014. During this period we have repeatedly published photo essays from the Olympic venues construction sites. Now it’s time to strike a balance!

    You already know that Gazprom has fully completed its Olympic investment program. Starting from 2007, we have built diverse facilities: the Adler Thermal Power Plant (TPP), the Dzhubga – Lazarevskoye – Sochi gas pipeline, the Biathlon and Ski Complex on the Psekhako Ridge, the Mountain Olympic Village for biathletes and skiers, the Mountain Tourist Center (MTC), and in addition – the Galaktika community center, new facilities at the Alpika Service Mountain Ski Resort and many others.

    The most important of them, that will play a key role in the forthcoming ambitious sports festival of 2014, have already been tested in action. Today we will visit Gazprom’s Olympic venues one more time to see the results that our Olympic team of builders demonstrated in this large-scale project Gazprom 2014.

    January 13, 2014

    Monopoly game

    Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 12

    A draft Government’s Decree prepared by the Federal Tariff Service agitated the Russian gas market. The document permits Gazprom to sell gas with a discount of up to 20 per cent of the regulated price to customers consuming more than 100 million cubic meters of gas a year. There were diverse reactions to this initiative among the market participants and experts who expressed most contradictory opinions. However, they were unanimous in considering this suggested state measure solely as a tactical one caused by the current economic situation. Few people saw the draft Decree as another crucial stage towards establishing a full-fledged civilized gas market in Russia.