Sabit Orudzhev – legendary minister and man of distinction

May 31, 2012

Photo report of events commemorating the 100th anniversary of Sabit Orudzhev’s birth

May 31, 2012 marked the 100th anniversary of Sabit Orudzhev’s birth, statesman, one of the founders of the domestic fuel and energy complex, Minister of the Gas Industry of the USSR from 1972 to 1981 and Hero of Socialist Labor.

Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee said in his welcoming speech that “The Soviet gas industry is greatly indebted to this legendary minister who forced it to progress rapidly in the 1970s. Under his leadership, the massive efforts were made to commission the largest hydrocarbon fields in Central Asia, the Orenburg and Tyumen Regions, to technically upgrade the gas industry, and to increase the reliability of the Unified Gas Supply System. For all of us Sabit Orudzhev is still an example of an excellent manager. He knew his business in the fine detail; he personally knew not only the brunch managers, but many foremen, crew leaders and ordinary drill men. Everything that had been done by Sabit Orudzhev played a vital role in developing the economies of Russia, Azerbaijan and other countries of the former USSR.”

The Gazprom delegation participated in celebrating the Sabit Orudzhev’s anniversary that took place in Moscow. The solemn ceremony opened with a visit to the Novo-Dyevitchiye cemetery – the last resting place of Sabit Orudzhev and his wife Fatima.

Sergey Alimov (left), First Deputy Head of the Gas Transportation, Underground Storage and Utilization Department of Gazprom laid the flowers.

Everyone who personally knew Sabit Orudzhev recalls him with deep respect and heartwarming feelings. On the photo: Boris Posyagin (in center, right), Head of the Central Operations and Dispatch Department of Gazprom talks about how he first encountered the legendary minister.

Following the visit to the Novo-Dyevitchiye cemetery, the press conference dedicated to the Sabit Orudzhev’s memory took place in the concert hall of the President Hotel. On the photo: conference presenter Gennady Shmal, President of the Union of Oil and Gas Producers of Russia.

Grant Margulov, President of the International Fuel and Power Association, Director of the Power Industry and Civil Society Center said: “Sabit Orudzhev distinguished himself as a very competent and highly professional person, with an unusual gift for anticipating the most promising ways which the sector, he was entrusted with, was going to evolve. As for relationships with his wife, the following fact shows how he treated to her: that day he received the Hero of Socialist Labor title, Fatima was the first person he called, saying that “You and I have been awarded with the Hero title!”

Polad Bulbuloghlu, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Russia noted that Heydar Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan issued a special order on celebrating the anniversary of Sabit Orudzhev, the man who can be undoubtedly recognized as national pride of the Azerbaijani people.

“We take great pride in our fellow countryman. Although he was born in a labor family, he became the first Azerbaijani man put in charge as the USSR Minister,” said Khalik Mamedov, Vice President of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan.

“Sabit Orudzhev was the first person to understand how important the offshore oil and gas resources were for the future of the country; it was him who talked about the need to develop the immense hydrocarbon resources of the shelf. He had a strategic way of thinking, on a nationwide scale,” emphasized Vladimir Chirskov, former Deputy Minister of Oil and Gas Industry Construction of the USSR.

Vladimir Vovk, Head of the Directorate for Offshore Fields Development Technology of Gazprom knew Sabit Orudzhev in person and absolutely supported what was previously said. He spoke about what Gazprom was doing today to make Sabit Orudzhev’s dreams come true.

“At the time he was the Oil Industry First Deputy Minister, he was thrown into the most challenging operational sectors,” said Nikolai Eronin, former Divisional Manager of the Oil Production Industry of the CPSU Central Committee.

Sabina, Sabit Orudzhev’s daughter was the last person to appear before the conference was over. On behalf of her relatives she thanked the audience for keeping very good memories of her farther.

Every speaker was warmly welcomed – everyone felt bonded to each other through the happiest memories of the legendary minister and the distinctive person.