Pasha Arushanov“Leader not just in title but also in his actions”

Nikolai Bely“Sabit Orudzhev knew how to defend the interests of his country”

Vladimir Chirskov“Orudzhev did not like unnecessary debates and was always ready to strike a reasonable compromise…”

Konstantin Demidov“He despised scheming, unscrupulous and dishonest people...”

Stepan Derezhov“He opened the door for international cooperation”

Vladimir Dolgikh“He withstood hardship with grace!”

Faizula Gainullin“No one could take a post by chance”

Sultan Gamzatov“Sabit Orudzhev thought of himself as a real sea dog...”

Minadora Ivanova"He appreciated a sense of dignity in people, and did not tolerate tactlessness and lack of self-organization..."

Sergey Kashirov“Even amid the most major of tasks, he still kept people in mind…”

Vladimir Khalatin“Sabit Orudzhev set creative objectives and managed to achieve them...”

Grant Margulov“Orudzhev had an amazing gift of foresight…”

Ivan Nikonenko“He led a very busy life”

Alexander Sedykh“His lifetime efforts were based on the idea that people are the greatest asset in any community...”

Gennady Shmal“Sabit Orudzhev was a prominent figure in our gas industry. It is our good fortune that such people were at the origin of its tremendous growth…”
May 31 marks the 100th anniversary of the outstanding statesman, famous scientist and the USSR Gas Industry Minister