December 10, 2012
Pavel Oderov: Europe to Asia
The interview was taken by Sergey Pravosudov
Published in the corporate Gazprom Magazine, Issue 11
In autumn 2012, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union approved a draft Decision on setting up an information exchange mechanism with regard to intergovernmental agreements between Member States and third countries in the energy sector, vesting the European Commission with authority to ensure that all existing and prospective intergovernmental agreements in the energy sector complied with the norms of the European legislation.
Only the existence of system-wide components in the European gas transmission system may secure uninterrupted gas supplies across Europe and ensure the appropriate level of energy security.
If we are a success in realizing our potential, by 2030 the Gazprom share in the European market may increase from current one-fourth to one-third of the total European consumption.
November 7, 2012
Gryazovets – Vyborg: cross-country gas pipeline
Photo essay
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
Through the example of the Yuzhno-Russkoye field we gave you an idea of how gas is produced. But gas production is half the voyage. It needs to be delivered to consumers. Today we'll show you the way of building gas trunklines that cross our country in every direction, evolving all together into the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia.
We shot our photo essay in August when construction of the second string of the Gryazovets – Vyborg gas trunkline was in progress. This string is 680 kilometers long (as it was built with loops , its length is shorter than the overall length of the gas pipeline which is 917 kilometers). This gas pipeline is designed for securing gas supplies to Nord Stream as well as to consumers in the Northwestern Russia. The gas pipeline runs across the Vologda and the Leningrad Regions.
October 30, 2012
Vitaly Khatkov: Competing on equal terms
The interview was taken by Denis Kirillov
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 10
Last year, Georesurs conducted seismic operations in the Kemerovo, Ryazan, Saratov, Tyumen and Orenburg Regions, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Udmurtia, the Komi Republic, Yakutia and in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area as well. Seismic studies were carried out in 25 licensed areas of Gazprom and third party companies. 2D and 3D studies performed by the company covered 235 linear kilometers and 660 square kilometers respectively. Seismic logging operations were conducted in 38 wells. The company explored and interpreted 2D and 3D data for 1,064.5 linear kilometers and 231 square kilometers accordingly. The total costs of seismic operations made up RUB 493.7 million. The company acquired RUB 415 million from Gazprom’s enterprises.
September 28, 2012
Anatoly Zakharov: Opening of the Northern Corridor
The interview was taken by Irina Shamanaeva, with participation of Elena Vasilieva
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 9
In the year of its 45th anniversary Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta is going through one of the most interesting and important points in its history, as one can say, the Company got its second wind. In fact, 2012 is the starting time in the events comparable in historical importance to the period of the 1960–70s, when the Vuktylskoye gas and condensate field was under development and the Severnoye Siyaniye (Northern Lights) gas pipeline was under construction. Large diameter pipes (1,220 millimeters and 1,420 mm) were used throughout north-western Russia. Everything that was going on then can be named as “unique” and “unprecedented”. The current situation is similar to those days to a large extent.
If we estimate what is happening on a global scale, our so-called Northern Corridor, being the shortest path from the existing fields of the Tyumen Region and promising fields of the Yamal Peninsula to the central regions of European Russia, is of strategic importance for the whole country.
September 25, 2012
Yuzhno-Russkoye field – power of nature for benefit of people
Photo essay
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
So, we hit the road again. This time we will try to show you the everyday life of “gasmen-in-production”. The beauty of northern nature and living conditions of native population will also be in focus of our camera. An exciting journey is waiting for you; so, as they say on TV, stay tuned!
We wanted to know how gas is produced in harsh tundra conditions, so we accepted an invitation from two companies, Severneftegazprom and Nord Stream AG – members of Gazprom Group, initiators of the press tour to the Yuzhno-Russkoye field for Russian and foreign reporters. During our trip we are going to visit production facilities and a reindeer herders camp.
July 31, 2012
After sunset
Photo essay
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
In one of the previous photo essays we told you about people constructing energy, sports and infrastructure facilities of Gazprom in Sochi.
This time the above mentioned facilities are in the spotlight. The photo shoot was not quite traditional, because it was held at night, when everything was sleeping after the vigorous working day.
We grabbed a camera and began our night trip.
July 6, 2012
Flying a big balloon...
Photo essay
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
Do our dreams come true? Of course, they do, there is no other way. As kids we wanted to become spacemen or pilots, or to fly a balloon. The second year in a row Gazprom helps people make their dreams about the sky come true, acting as the general sponsor of the 17th International Balloon Meet in Velikiye Luki.
Our next photo essay is about the 17th International Balloon Meet which took place in this cozy Russian town on June 10, 2012.
June 26, 2012
Our Olympic team of builders
Photo essay
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
We continue a series of photo essays about life in Gazprom. This time you are invited to visit Sochi – to have a look at the Gazprom construction sites and meet the people who are actually building the unique sports, power and infrastructure facilities for the Winter Olympic Games 2014.
Our Company is one of the largest investors into construction development in Sochi. Nowadays, we are building the Biathlon and Ski Complex, the Mountain Olympic Village to accommodate 1,100 people, the Adler TPP and laying new gas pipeline branches. The Dzhubga – Lazarevskoye – Sochi gas trunkline , the Adler AGDS and a number of sports venues have already been made operational.
June 26, 2012
Yury Vazhenin: Investments growing
The interview was taken by Sergey Pravosudov
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 6
In Western Siberia Gazprom anticipates liquid hydrocarbons production to increase by 1 million tons in 2012 (14 per cent rise versus 2011), owing to a growth of 800 thousand tons and 200 thousand tons in feedstock produced from the Zapolyarnoye and the Yamburgskoye fields, accordingly.
This year capital expenditures on implementing investment projects will exceed RUB 6 billion. In 2013 the investments in construction and upgrade of industrial facilities owned by Gazprom Pererabotka are expected to reach nearly RUB 20 billion.
June 5, 2012
Report by Alexander Medvedev at the 25th World Gas Conference "Gas market integration: for a sustainable global growth"
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
Due to participation of Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee in the official visit by the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin to the People’s Republic of China, the keynote address at the 25th World Gas Conference will be delivered by Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Company’s Management Committee.
“Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues,
Our forum is being held under the slogan “Sustaining Future Global Growth”. The slogan reflects the key challenge we, energy and gas experts, are facing today – to promptly ensure we can meet the growing demand for energy carriers and, at the same time, bring about the improvement of environmental performance in the energy sector.”
May 31, 2012
Sabit Orudzhev – legendary minister and man of distinction
May 31, 2012 marked the 100th anniversary of Sabit Orudzhev’s birth, statesman, one of the founders of the domestic fuel and energy complex, Minister of the Gas Industry of the USSR from 1972 to 1981 and Hero of Socialist Labor.
The Gazprom delegation participated in celebrating the Sabit Orudzhev’s anniversary that took place in Moscow.
May 31, 2012
100th anniversary of Sabit Orudzhev’s birth
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

May 30, 2012
One day in life of Gazprom headquarters
Photo essay
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
Today it is the first time ever we publish a story in pictures about a usual business day in the Gazprom headquarters. We shot on 3 April. That spring day felt more like a winter day. We were shooting photos of everything on our way and we are not going to hide anything from you.
When do the members of staff come to work? What is the general mood in the office? How do the employees upgrade their skills? What do they have for lunch? What time do the top executives finish their working day?
You will find answers to these and many other questions in this photo story.
May 16, 2012
Stages of big way
Prepared by Nikolai Khrenkov
and published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 4
In November 2011 and April 2012 federal authorities adopted several regulatory documents that gave the green light for gas trade at commodity exchanges and trading systems, though leaving undecided some issues concerning its rational organization. At the same time, adopting a clear-cut strategy on the government level, that would envisage a whole range of measures for the staged implementation of market relations in the gas sector, remains a problem to be solved.
April 4, 2012
Beltransgaz returns to Gazprom family
Photo essay
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
April 4, 2012
Vitaly Markelov: Winter is a severe test and Gazprom has passed it triumphantly
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
The Company has created a preparation system for another autumn/winter period. Preparations start with an overview of the last winter results, then objectives are determined for the forthcoming period and, indeed, control is established over the planned activities.
Every winter is a grave challenge, a test of the ability to work consistently and to arrange the technological process despite weather shifts. Gazprom passed another such test triumphantly. During a great drop in temperature we took every precaution to ensure sustained gas supplies to Russian consumers, while giving special attention to supplying socially significant facilities, population and utility sectors. Taking into account the current weather conditions and the fact that today it is the beginning of April, we may say that the winter is nearly over. The Russian Federation consumers had no problems related to natural gas shortage.
March 29, 2012
Vladimir Mayorov: A positive example
The interview was taken by Sergey Pravosudov
The material is prepared jointly by Gazprom website and Gazprom Magazine Editorial Boards and will be published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 4
Gazprom is an old and reliable partner of Belarus. The entry of Beltransgaz into Gazprom Group has not changed the attitude of the state and society to our company. Everybody laud the deal. After all, the money paid by Gazprom greatly helped our country go out of the financial crisis. Furthermore, the gas price for Belarus was cut almost by half, what cannot but gladden the consumers. Alexey Miller, Chairman of Gazprom's Management Committee decided to build a new Beltransgaz office in Minsk, which will house representatives of other Gazprom Group companies and of the Russian business as well.
March 22, 2012
Sergey Komlev: Gas modeling
The interview was taken by Sergey Pravosudov
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 3
If in using oil product indexation neither the seller nor the purchaser can influence the price, then the creation of a new ‘reengineering’ pricing model, that we are inclined to by the European reformers, would actually mean a possibility of unilateral influence on the gas price by the purchaser in his favor.
In Gazprom’s opinion, a constructive solution may be presented by the active position of the importers to defend their legitimate interests before the EU cartel services, for which it is high time to work on their mistakes. If this is not done, then Europe will spontaneously switch to the American model of the gas market, which does not provide long-term firm commitments for gas supply, that is certainly not in the interests of the European consumers.
March 22, 2012
Expensive gas pipelines
Material was prepared by Alexander Frolov
and published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 3
Our Company is frequently criticized for excessively raising expenses when building gas pipelines. The ‘critics’ are not confused by the fact that they randomly pick out figures and compare gas pipelines that are fundamentally different by their technical parameters and lie in absolutely different natural and climatic conditions. After all, this helps earn popularity and make political hay of it. Such sensations don’t exist for a long time and, therefore, it wouldn’t seem worthwhile to pay attention to unconstructive scolding. But the flow of negative information gradually forms the idea of ‘presumption of guiltiness’ of large oil and gas companies in people’s minds. So, let’s delve into the sphere of cold figures. Of course, it’s not as exciting as the world of revealing articles, but still much more reliable.
March 13, 2012
Vsevolod Cherepanov: Enormous potential
The interview was taken by Segey Pravosudov
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 1–2
As a result of exploration operations performed by Gazprom last year, C1 hydrocarbon reserves incremented to a record high level of 728.4 million tons of fuel equivalent, with gas reaching 686.4 billion cubic meters, condensate – 38.6 million tons and oil – 3.4 million tons.
In 2012 we are going to produce 528.6 billion cubic meters of gas, 12.8 million tons of gas condensate and 33.2 tons of oil.
February 20, 2012
Starty Nadezhd skiing competitions in Krasnaya Polyana
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
February 9, 2012
First Russian Biathlon Cup in Krasnaya Polyana – difficult track and best shooting range
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
January 10, 2012
Photo essay: Adler AGDS – Olympic gas, required pressure and accurate metering
Photo essay
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board