Russia's first biathlon stadium in medium-height mountains

December 27, 2011

Biathlon stadium: stands

Biathlon stadium: stands

A biathlon stadium is part of the project for construction of the Biathlon and Ski Complex, Mountain Olympic Village to accommodate 1,100 people and an access road on the Psekhako Ridge. The project is executed by Gazprom for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

The Complex is the large-scale and sophisticated project for construction of the comprehensive infrastructure necessary for conducting sports competitions: biathlon and ski stadiums; two separate start and finish zones for each event; two isolated track systems; a shooting range; a general area for preparations for competitions, located near the start and finish zones; a training track; a single route for both sports with an easy access for spectators to the start and finish zones.

The Complex on the Psekhako Ridge will for the present become Russia's first and only biathlon and ski facility situated in the medium-height mountains (facilities are located at the altitude of 1,430 to 1,600 meters above the sea level). The ski and biathlon track is designed taking into account all requirements of the International Ski Federation (FIS) and the International Biathlon Union (IBU).

Stands of the ski stadium, a number of its ski tracks and the start and finish zone are temporary facilities. The biathlon stadium with spectator stands, the shooting range and the stadium tracks are permanent facilities to be used after 2014. The Biathlon and Ski Complex is planned to be redesigned in a combined arena for ski and biathlon competitions. Outdoor sites will be used for team sports and the arena will become a place for conducting concert events. The main building of the biathlon complex will be used as a versatile all-season sports and recreation center including a sports hotel, a sports school, a rehabilitation center, coffee houses and restaurants. The Complex is expected to become the main training basis for the Russian national biathlon and ski teams in the medium-height mountains.

Construction machinery working at start and finish zone for biathlon and ski competitions

Construction machinery working at start and finish zone for biathlon and ski competitions

Stadium stands

Stadium stands

Construction site in front of stadium stands

Construction site in front of stadium stands

Future start and finish zone for biathletes and skiers

Future start and finish zone for biathletes and skiers

Finishing operations in stadium

Finishing operations in stadium

Mountains mirroring in stadium widows

Mountains mirroring in stadium widows

View from future commentary room

View from future commentary room

Stadium: view from entrance

Stadium: view from entrance

Stadium: one more view from entrance

Stadium: one more view from entrance

Construction site at bottom of stadium

Construction site at bottom of stadium

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