December 29, 2011
Photo essay: Cottage community for sportsmen – on foot to Olympic Games
Photo essay
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
December 27, 2011
Andrey Kruglov: Ability to Withstand Crises
The interview was taken by Sergey Pravosudov
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 12
Last year we became the leading public company worldwide in terms of net profit. We confirmed this status by the interim results for the first six months in 2011: Gazprom Group’s net profit totaled RUB 772 billion as compared to RUB 495 billion the year before. We plan to retain the solid growth of net profit by the year-end – it is anticipated to grow up to USD 40 billion this year as compared to USD 32 billion last year. So, the favorable situation on the external markets and the stringent control over the operational activities will result in the Company’s profitability growth.
We emphasize, the fundamental parameters of Gazprom are still strong and the long-term model of the Company’s development showed its stability in times of uncertainties and crisis build-up in the global financial markets. That is why we anticipate outrunning growth of the Company’s stock quotations in line with reduction of volatility in the global economy.
December 27, 2011
11 key milestones of 2011
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
The year of 2011 was eventful for Gazprom and most of the events may be considered as historical. The Company put onstream a number of crucial gas transmission facilities: Nord Stream, Sakhalin – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok, Dzhubga – Lazarevskoye – Sochi. Record results were obtained in a number of activities. Thus, Russian underground gas storage (UGS) facilities accumulated the operating gas reserve of 65.2 billion cubic meters – the maximum amount in the history of the domestic gas industry. The maximum daily deliverability of UGS facilities by the beginning of the withdrawal season and the average daily deliverability between December and February were raised to 647.7 and 522.1 million cubic meters accordingly. More than RUB 29 billion were allocated for the Russian gasification program. Over 1.7 GW of power generating capacities were built. The dividend amount was increased to RUB 3.85 per share.
December 27, 2011
Photo essay: Russia's first biathlon stadium in medium-height mountains
Photo essay
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
December 22, 2011
Yo-Philosophy presented to Gazprom
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
The Yo-Mobil presentation took place at the Gazprom headquarters premises on Thursday. Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Company's Management Committee was in the driver's seat of a concept car and rode several laps around the New Year tree by the Yo-Crossover.
“Why is it red?” That was the first question asked by Gazprom CEO, being disappointed that the car had not been painted in the Company's corporate colors, to Andrey Biryukov, his counterpart from the Yo-Auto project. But Andrey Biryukov was not embarrassed and answered, “It can be repainted.”
December 21, 2011
Adler TPP – clean fuel, high efficiency and 195 workplaces
Photo essay
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
December 5, 2011
Pavel Oderov: Global scope
The interview was taken by Sergey Pravosudov
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 11
The Third Energy Package contains a lot of gaps and uncertainties. Besides, the issue of correlation between some of its crucial provisions and the international regulations, first of all, the international investment obligations of the EU member countries, hasn’t been settled yet.
The Company’s plans for North Africa have remained unchanged. In any circumstances, Gazprom will comply with its obligations to partners and consumers according to the agreements signed.
November 9, 2011
State-of-the-art gas pipeline commissioned
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
The small German town of Lubmin, a suburb of the old town of Greifswald, is located on the Baltic Sea coast. First gas from Russia came via the Nord Stream gas pipeline to this very place on November 8.
The first string of the Nord Stream gas pipeline can reach the design capacity in 2012. In the medium term, the transit volumes will depend on the European market demand, said Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee. Russia has no doubts that gas will enjoy demand in Europe.
November 3, 2011
The longest Blue Corridor is a great success
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
The idea of using motor rallies to promote gas as a motor fuel is not new. Such motor rallies were held in the Soviet times; they are regularly held abroad as well.
Blue Corridor 2011 passed through 11 cities: Yekaterinburg – Chelyabinsk – Ufa – Orenburg – Samara – Saratov – Volgograd – Voronezh – Tambov – Tula – Moscow. It lasted for more than 2 weeks from October 19 through November 2. Its length was about 3,600 kilometers. To date, it is the longest motor rally ever held by Gazprom.
October 12, 2011
Yury Vazhenin: Building up capacities
The interview was taken by Sergey Pravosudov
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 9
The gas industry strategy is aimed at business diversification and mastering the turnout of new products with a high added value. Gazprom's objective is to develop gas chemistry and increase the recovery of valuable components from feedstock. It can be achieved through advancement of the Company's own processing facilities and, therefore, by loading other industries. Modernization will increase the output of high-quality final products and accelerate development of the national economy.
September 26, 2011
The close Far East
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
The morning in Vladivostok is rather fine. A sunny weather, cloudless sky and a pleasant and refreshing light wind. We take a long drive through the whole city to the Vladivostok gas distribution station that supplies "blue" fuel to consumers directly from the Sakhalin – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok gas pipeline. At the GDS premises we are provided with a "must-have" head cover – a protective helmet.
At the gas pressure reducing unit (which converts high pressure of the gas main to low pressure of the gas distribution networks), we take a tour around the control room. Everything is brand new here, since this gas distribution station was only commissioned about two weeks ago.
September 8, 2011
Sakhalin gas for Primorie
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
The second week of September 2011 can be truly called the “gas week” – while the celebrations on the occasion of gas feeding into the first string of the Nord Stream gas pipeline were still underway near Vyborg, another no less significant event occurred on the other end of the country – the Sakhalin – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok gas pipeline commissioning.
“Today we are having a significant and meaningful event for the Primorie Krai: Sakhalin gas has arrived in Primorie. This is really important as such an energy source has never existed here before,” emphasized Vladimir Putin, the Russian Prime Minister.
September 6, 2011
Gas injected into Nord Stream
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
By contrast with Moscow sludge, Saint Petersburg welcomed the ceremony participants with summer sun and fresh breeze – it seemed that even the treacherous Baltic weather favored the ongoing.
The symbolic launch of gas feeding into Nord Stream took place in the building with a dispatch and control unit for gas treated before injection into the offshore gas pipeline section. This small building is situated off-center the compressor station premises. It is from here that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin personally launched gas feeding.
June 30, 2011
Gazprom challenges endurance of its shareholders
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
The annual Shareholders Meeting is actually the most important event of the year. Preparations for it begin in the dead of winter – in January the Management Committee starts reviewing the Meeting agenda which is subsequently submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration.
The reception of guests at Gazprom’s headquarters (Nametkina Street) is also arranged in advance – hundreds of shareholders arrive here from different parts of the country and from abroad.
June 23, 2011
Stanislav Tsygankov: Maintaining the drive
The interview was taken by Denis Kirillov
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 6
Last year we reached the projected performance indicator – the total output accounted for 25 billion cubic meters of gas. We are planning to retain this production level during the next 12 to 14 years. Nevertheless, we will go beyond this.
Nowadays, our company is at the forefront of Gazprom’s business in many respects. I think that my almost decade-long experience in international business activity will be useful here in the matters of planning standards, budgeting, transparency and foreign relations, in a good sense. I am very grateful to Gazprom’s management for the opportunity of developing my skills in many ways, gaining expertise in many disciplines, advancing in my career and learning more. Such an opportunity is available here. The most important thing is to maintain the drive, the desire to do something useful and constantly excel.
May 26, 2011
Oleg Aksyutin: We will expand UGS capacities
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
In spring and summer Gazprom replenishes its UGS facilities in order to meet the growing gas demand in the autumn/winter period since in the heating season the Company’s UGS facilities ensure some 20 per cent of the entire gas supplies and up to 30 per cent during cold snaps. 2.17 trillion cubic metes of gas passed through the domestic UGS facilities over the entire period of their operation.
As for the engineering aspect – the progress is moving on of course. New solutions elaborated for gas production were applied in the underground storage sector. First of all, they are aimed at increasing the operational efficiency of UGS facilities and their daily deliverability.
May 26, 2011
Viktor Ilyushin: Coordinator
The interview was taken by Sergey Pravosudov
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 5
I can’t remember a single region where we can’t find a common ground with the local authorities. Problems exist of course, life is life. There is no secret that some governors try to get as much as they can from every subsidiary of Gazprom while our task is to equal their hopes from one side and to minimize the expenses from the other.
Currently we consider an opportunity for setting up a representative office in Yakutia which is driven by the implementation of the Eastern Gas Program. Representatives of Gazprom stay in Yakutia on a regular basis, but we haven’t made up our mind yet whether to set an official representative office there or not.
April 26, 2011
Alexander Medvedev: Profit is our priority
The interview was taken by Sergey Pravosudov
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 4
Last year was difficult and all the time we felt the global crisis effects that haven’t been overcome yet. Nevertheless, despite these unfavorable conditions and remaining adverse impacts on the gas industry we may consider the results as optimal.
In other words, we were facing two options: either to maintain the volumes and the market share or to give priority to the earnings. Being a public and commercially oriented company, Gazprom is interested in raising the profit to provide shareholders with profit. Therefore, we have made the right choice in favor of earnings and the year-end results confirmed that.
April 12, 2011
Boris Posyagin: We have developed a clear action plan
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
Mr. Posyagin presses a hidden button and suddenly the glass becomes transparent – and an amazing sight comes into view. A huge screen displays the maps of Russia and Europe with green lines on them – gas pipelines stretching for hundreds of thousands of kilometers from Russia to Europe.
This is the CODD dispatch room – the heart and the arms of Russia’s Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS). This is the place where gas transmission flows are coordinated to ensure that gas from Yamal could securely reach Europe and the citizens of Altai and Orel felt warm in their houses if the air temperature in the region suddenly falls.
April 8, 2011
Alexander Ishkov: Energy saving helps Gazprom minimize environmental impact and save billions of rubles as well
Strict adherence to environmental standards is a distinctive feature of the Gazprom activity. At the same time, environmental efforts of a modern energy company can’t be set apart form active implementation of the energy saving technologies.
The Concept is primarily aimed at maximizing the use of the energy saving potential in any activity and increasing the energy efficiency of the subsidiaries on the basis of the cutting-edge technologies and equipment.
April 7, 2011
Oleg Andreev: Bringing Valanginian deposits of Zapolyarnoye field into operation is our top priority project now
April 2011 was marked by the launch of production from the Valanginian deposits of the Zapolyarnoye field.
Development of the Valanginian deposits stipulates bringing onstream two gas and gas condensate production facilities. These are two comprehensive gas treatment units (No.1C and No.2C), 140 wells, gas pipelines and a condensate pipeline.
March 24, 2011
Alexander Mikheev: Freedom is perceived need
The interview was taken by Nikolai Khrenkov
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 3
Slowing down the national economy, the world economic recession of 2009 led to a considerable drop in gas demand. The last year results indicate that gas consumption in Russia showed a 25.8 per cent increase versus 2009 but the level of 2008 has not been reached yet.
At the same time, I would like to highlight such a market trend as the independent gas producers’ ever increasing role. They have gained marketing experience, studied the market and know how to operate in it.
March 22, 2011
Gazprom moves closer to Sakhalinians
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
The Sakhalin Oblast has recently seen commissioning of the top-priority gas supply and gasification facilities to initiate natural gas deliveries to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, thus tackling the environmental challenges in the city.
In his opening speech Vladimir Putin highlighted social importance of the event. “We start a new phase of operations in Sakhalin making our citizens, Sakhalinians, the centerpiece of these plans. Gas deliveries from one of the largest fields in Sakhalin will be initiated with the implementation of these plans and the gas transmission system has reached the key energy facility, CHPP-1,” he said.
March 2, 2011
Vsevolod Cherepanov: North, South and East
The interview was taken by Sergey Pravosudov
Published in corporate Gazprom Magazine Issue 1–2.
In February 2010 Gazprom started Russia’s first CBM production project in the Taldinskoye field. In 2011 the Company is planning to initiate development and pilot operation of 10 prospecting wells in another area (Naryksko-Ostashkinskaya). Further on, it is planned to move over from pilot to commercial operation of the Taldinskoye field using produced methane as a motor fuel and for power generation.
February 21, 2011
From illusions to lasting values
Defining mutual priorities in strategic development of the Russian and European gas industry, assessing the Third Energy Package impact, searching for new approaches to blue fuel pricing. According to Alexey Miller, these are among the relevant issues to be discussed during the EU-Russia summit. The gas market players and experts addressed these issues beforehand during the Topical European Energy Issues round table discussion held at the Gazprom headquarters on February 21, 2011.
January 19, 2011
Andrey Kruglov: The cash pooling system allowed for a considerable increase in Gazprom’s cash management efficiency
Gazprom is one of the few Russian companies that have implemented a cash pooling system. The cash pooling system allows minimizing the need for additional short-term loans and, therefore, the respective costs and interest rates. Besides, the system facilitates cash flow accounting inside the group providing the company management with current information about it.
January 18, 2011
Prirazlomnaya reaches Murmansk
Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board
On November 21, the third day of the operation, the weather rapidly changed for the worse when the platform was at the end of the White Sea Throat. The wind intensified to 15–17 m/s sometimes gusting to 25 m/s and could possibly reach 35 m/s. The towing operation leader resolved to keep the vessels from the storm in a shelter. The platform and the accompanying vessels retraced the course. The platform was hidden from the wind offshore the Kola Peninsula near Kandalaksha. On the next day, once the wind strength decreased and favorable weather forecasts were received, the vessels laid the course to Murmansk again.