December 30, 2010

Anti-crisis management

Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

The financial crisis affected nearly all sectors of the Russian economy in one way or another. At the same time, crisis is a good means for strong market players to reinforce their leadership.

As the EU is at its own expense trying the Anglo-Saxon model of the gas market with the new pricing formulas, Gazprom is building new gas pipelines to enhance European energy security. Meanwhile, European consumers including such gas producers as the Netherlands and Denmark, opt for Russian natural gas entering into long-term contracts.

December 1, 2010

Gazprom gazobezopasnost: professional emergency response services

Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

A decision was made to use specialized apparatus – the PPP-200 powder fire extinguisher produced by the company. Gazprom gazobezopasnost employees took every effort to protect the nearby gas producing wells from fire.

Operational staff of the Northern Paramilitary Unit under Gazprom gazobezopasnost completely eliminated the gusher at the gas well.

October 19, 2010

Great resettlement

Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

These activities are needed due to a unique character of the regional biosystem – indigenous species of flora and fauna (relics and endemics) live and grow on the hillsides of the Caucasus Mountains.

The experts have recently accomplished final resettlement of rare amphibian species – the Agile frog. Resettlement of rare amphibians was carried out by the company’s environmental experts together with the specialists of the Mountain Forestry and Forest Ecology Research Institute. All the procedures had to be finished before the cold season when amphibians go into hibernation.

October 18, 2010

Vladimir Vovk: Approaching the reliability level achieved in the space industry

Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

Subsea hydrocarbon production technologies development began in the mid 1970s. There are over 130 offshore fields in the world now that use subsea production technologies.

“The subsea production technologies are reliable, feasible, and environmentally safe as evidenced by accident-free operation in various regions of the World Ocean over many years,” Mr. Vovk stresses.

October 15, 2010

Marcel Kramer: I am absolutely confident in South Stream's future

Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

South Stream will create not only additional source of energy supply, but also additional commercial links and benefits. Having grown up as a West European, living in the European Union I have often seen the great benefit of those increased commercial links for countries involved in it. So, I feel honored to join this project.

October 14, 2010

Alexander Medvedev: There is no need to build the Great Wall of China on the gas market

Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

The new gas market model patterned upon the Anglo-Saxon one has its own merits and demerits if compared to the existing model. It doesn't need long-term contracts since volumetric risks are relatively low on liquidity markets. However, without long-term price contracts the volume of gas coming to market starts depending on the price appeal. The gas will be available when the price is high. If the price is low, the volumes may outflow to more attractive markets or stored until better times. Hence, the reliability of European gas supply will be determined by the competition with other global gas markets, primarily, with Asian ones.

September 29, 2010

Gas is brought to Kamchatka

Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

Over 340 thousand people live in Kamchatka today. The seclusion of the Peninsula has not provided solely benefit to them. The energy delivery problem has been a really sensitive issue for the population over many years now – the power generation sector has been contingent on the energy carriers delivered from beyond the region, primarily on fuel oil. September 29, 2010 saw the event the people in the Peninsula had been waiting for decades – the Sobolevo – Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky gas trunkline commissioning marked the first natural gas supplies to Kamchatka.

September 17, 2010

Methane – vehicle fuel of tomorrow available today

Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

It is forecasted that 65 million vehicles will run on natural gas by 2020. Pakistan is the country with the most widespread utilization of natural gas as vehicle fuel: 2.3 million vehicles run on natural gas there. Argentina is holding the second place – 1.8 natural gas vehicles. In Iran and Brazil natural gas is used by 1,665 and 1,632 million vehicles accordingly.

July 29, 2010

Nord Stream comes ashore

Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

Nord Stream AG commenced construction of the gas pipeline offshore part this April. So far, about 220 kilometers of pipes have been laid on the Baltic Sea bottom and 15 kilometers – offshore Germany. It’s only one-tenth of the pipeline route to be passed by 2012 when the second of two gas pipeline strings (each some 1,224 kilometers long) is planned for commissioning. Anyway, the pipeline operating company assures that the project will be implemented strictly according to the schedule.

June 22, 2010

If you don’t trust Gazprom, where else can you go?

Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

By 10 o’clock the shareholders who came to the Meeting gather in the big Conference Hall colored in Gazprom’s traditional blue. Journalists are not permitted here, a special Press Center has been arranged for them with a large screen for online broadcasting of the Meeting. The keynote speech is also broadcast live via the Internet and telephone. This is not a novel practice for Gazprom – it was introduced 5 years ago, thus enabling shareholders to hear anything going on in the Conference Hall, the venue of the Shareholders Meeting, even when they are away on vacations.

April 20, 2010

Flying the flag of St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

The Phoenix circles widely around the barge so as not to touch the string of the gas pipeline being placed on the sea bottom and moors in close proximity to the C-Master. In the near distance the pipe layer looks like a huge white iceberg with almost 150 meters in length and a skyscraper’s height.

April 9, 2010

Nord Stream gas pipeline: ready for take-off

Material by Gazprom website Editorial Board

At the same time, over 600 kilometers away from the Portovaya Bay shore in the vicinity of Sweden’s Gotland Island, a gigantic pipe-laying vessel Castoro 6 – which is translated from Italian as “a beaver” – was laying the 4th kilometer of the first string of the gas pipeline on the Baltic Sea bottom.