26th World Gas Conference
International Gas Union's site
Conference materials

International Gas Union
The International Gas Union (IGU) was established in 1931 to promote the gas industry at the international level.
At present, gas associations and companies from 142 countries are represented in IGU as 94 Charter Members and 51 Associate Members.
The IGU members secure 95 per cent of the global natural gas production. IGU is a reputed non-governmental non-profit organization, the core center for analyzing and summarizing the global experience in the gas industry. At present, it is a largest international organization engaged in extensive research activities through its Working Committees, Programme Committees and Task Forces.
Russia has been engaged in the IGU activities since 1957. Gazprom represents Russia as a Charter Member in IGU.
Russian Gas Society and Spetsneftegaz Scientific & Production Association are Associate Members (with less authority) in IGU on behalf of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the Russian National Gas Vehicles Association is an IGU Affiliate.
Every three years IGU holds the World Gas Conference (WGC) to present the results of researches carried out by the Working and Programme Committees. Lively discussions on a wide range of topics are held during WGCs, including such as the impact of power generation on the environment; gas storage, transmission, distribution and consumption as well as the prospects for the gas industry development.
The World Gas Exhibition – the most impressive event of its kind presenting state-of-the-art technologies and energy sector products – is held along with the World Gas Conference.
The WGC participants are representatives of the industry, regulatory bodies and the scientific community: top managers of the leading oil and gas companies; ministers; the most respected researchers from international energy companies and private enterprises, universities and R&D institutions.
The 25th World Gas Conference was held between June 4 and 8, 2012 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Triennial Work Program for 2012–2015 was adopted at the 25th WGC and will be implemented under the presidency of France.