24th World Gas Conference
Conference materials
Alexey Miller’s speeches at previous Conferences
23th WGC, Amsterdam, 2006
22th WGC, Tokio, 2003
October 5–9, 2009
Security of Supply and Related Investments. Speech by Alexey Miller at the 24th World Gas Conference
The 24th World Gas Conference (WGC) will take place at La Rural Exhibition & Conference Centre of Buenos Aires (Argentina) on October 5–9, 2009.
The WGC programme was comprised of:
- 7 plenary sessions;
- 14 keynote addresses from heads of top global oil and gas companies and associations, including the address by Alexey Miller, Management Committee Chairman, Gazprom OAO;
- 9 strategic panels to be attended by top managers of the biggest gas companies, including Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of Management Committee, Gazprom OAO;
- 23 sessions of the IGU’s Working (WOC) and Programme (PGC) committees;
- a session of the Task Force on Gas Market Integration;
- 18 expert forums;
- a poster session.
The keynote address by Alexey Miller opened the luncheon plenary session and addressed the key issues of stability for the natural gas supply and demand.
Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom’s Management Committee, Director General of Gazprom Export, took part in the strategic panel to address the topic of “Finding the Links for Gas Market Integration”.
WOC 1 Chairman Vladimir Yakushev (representing Gazprom VNIIGAZ) moderated the debating of the Committee sessions and expert forums.