Forums and exhibitions
VII international conference Environmental Safety in Gas Industry (ESGI-2021)
The VIII International conference: «Russian Offshore Oil and Gas Development: Arctic and Far East»
The VIII International Conference "Gas transportation systems: present and future"
The 15th Conference of Northeast Asian Natural Gas and Pipeline Forum (NAGPF)
A Glance Into the Future: International Young Scientists Awards
The VII International Conference “Gas Transportation Systems: Present and Future” (GTS-2017)
VI International Conference “Russian Offshore Oil and Gas Development: Arctic and Far East”
26th World Gas Conference
The 2nd International Conference "Real Estate Management in Corporations (REMIC 2013)"
Second Gas Summit of Heads of States and Governments of GECF Member Countries
International Conference “Gas of Russia. Best Available Technologies”
Vth International Conference "Energy Dialogue: Russia – European Union. Gas Aspect"
International Gazprom Conference “Environmental Safety in Gas Industry” (ESGI-2009)
The third international conference “Gas Transportation Systems: Present and Future” (GTS-2009)
III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Priority Aspects of Corrosion Protection"