Gazprom begins pilot operation of new-generation domestic gas turbine engine AL-41ST-25


In the Republic of Tatarstan, the pilot operation of the new domestic gas turbine engine AL-41ST-25 commenced at the Arskaya compressor station (Gazprom Transgaz Kazan). The engine was created by United Engine Corporation (UEC) at the request of Gazprom.

Arskaya compressor station
Arskaya compressor station

Arskaya compressor station

Taking part in the event were Oleg Aksyutin, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee – Head of Department at Gazprom, and Vadim Badekha, Director General of United Engine Corporation.

AL-41ST-25 with the capacity of 25 MW is a new-generation engine. In terms of such key parameters as efficiency, fuel consumption, time between overhauls, and environmental sustainability, it is unique for Russia's gas sector.

Importantly, the advanced technical solutions employed in the structure of AL-41ST-25 make it possible to use it as the basis for creating a lineup of engines with a capacity of up to 32 and 42 MW, with no considerable elaborations required. This opens up great prospects for the use of the engines at the active and prospective facilities of Gazprom.

The factory tests of the prototype of the AL-41ST-25 engine began in December 2023 at the production site of the manufacturing plant, UEC-UMPO, in Ufa. After that, the engine was installed in a gas compressor unit at the Arskaya compressor station. At the facility, the equipment successfully underwent comprehensive tests which lasted 72 hours. The results confirmed that the engine works reliably and maintains the specified operational parameters.

At the next stage of the project implementation, Gazprom and UEC will determine the potential of organizing the batch production of the AL-41ST-25 engine for Gazprom's facilities.


Gas turbine engines are a key component of gas compressor units at compressor stations, as well as of gas turbine power plants. This type of equipment is used by Gazprom at natural gas production and transmission facilities.

Gazprom and United Engine Corporation (UEC, part of the Rostec State Corporation) are bound by the Agreement of Intent. Pursuant to the document, UEC is to design and launch the output of a high-performance gas turbine engine of the AL-41ST-25 type.


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