Since 2021, conditions for gas grid connections created by Gazprom for about 7,000 households and 29 boiler houses in Sakhalin Region


A working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Valery Limarenko, Governor of the Sakhalin Region, took place today at the Eastern Economic Forum 2024 in Vladivostok.

The parties discussed their ongoing cooperation. It was noted that Gazprom and the Sakhalin Region have been maintaining their strategic partnership for many years. Under the Eastern Gas Program, Gazprom continues to develop the Sakhalin gas production center and implements projects of social significance to the region.

The works under the 2021–2025 gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion program in the region are well underway. The possibility of gas grid connection has already been provided to about 7,000 households and 29 boiler houses in the towns of Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Dolinsk, Korsakov, and Makarov, as well as in the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk urban territory and 16 rural communities in the Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Anivsky, Dolinsky, and Korsakovsky Districts. To that end, Gazprom built four gas pipeline branches with the Dolinsk, Korsakov, Makarov, and Yuzhnaya gas distribution stations (GDSs), as well as over 180 kilometers of inter-settlement gas pipelines.

To provide gas to the consumers of the Poronaysky District, Gazprom laid three inter-settlement gas pipelines that stretch to the Poronaysk town and the villages of Gastello, Leonidovo and Mayskoye. Trunkline gas will be supplied via a gas pipeline branch with the Leonidovo GDS. The construction of the gas pipeline branch and the GDS was completed in 2024, and the start-up & commissioning operations are now underway.

At present, Gazprom is building another nine inter-settlement gas pipelines in the Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Anivsky, Korsakovsky, Makarovsky, Poronaysky, Smirnykhovsky, and Tymovsky Districts. Next in line is the start of the construction works for three gas pipeline branches with the Kholmsk, Pobedino and Vzmorye GDSs.

Within the localities already covered by the gas grid, Gazprom performs additional gas grid expansion, i.e. lays gas pipelines to the boundaries of private households and to boiler houses of medical facilities and educational entities at no cost to the consumers.

The Company takes part in the development of the region's NGV fuel market. At present, motor vehicles can be filled with eco-friendly fuel at three gas filling stations of Gazprom: two in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and one in the Tymovskoye settlement. Preparatory works are underway to start the construction of another three gas filling stations: two more in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and one in Korsakov.

Gazprom helps develop the region's sports infrastructure. As part of the Gazprom for Children program, modern multi-purpose sports grounds and school stadiums were built in the Sakhalin Region. The Water Sports Center in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk was opened today during the Eastern Economic Forum 2024. The Center is among the largest water sports complexes in the Far East.

Alexey Miller and Valery Limarenko also discussed the prospects of the project for the construction of a gas condensate processing and oil refining plant on Sakhalin Island. Currently, Gazprom is conducting the pre-investment feasibility study with regard to the construction of the enterprise.


The Eastern Economic Forum 2024 is taking place on September 3–6 in Vladivostok. The main theme of this year's Forum is “Far East 2030. Combining Strengths to Create New Potential.”

Gazprom and the Sakhalin Region are bound, inter alia, by agreements on cooperation and wider use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel, as well as the Accord on gas infrastructure expansion.

Under the extended program for gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion for 2021–2025, Gazprom will build in the region a total of eight gas pipeline branches with gas distribution stations, 39 inter-settlement gas pipelines, a connecting gas pipeline between the Yuzhnaya GDS and the GDS of the Troitskoye settlement, distribution networks, and infrastructure facilities for natural gas liquefaction to provide off-grid gas supplies to the consumers. As a result, conditions required for gas grid connections will be created for almost 31,000 households and 186 boiler houses in 89 localities.


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