Gazprom testing multifunctional robot equipped with laser gas analyzer
A unique multifunctional mobile inspection robot of Russian make was presented at the exhibition of St. Petersburg International Gas Forum 2024.
The robot is designed to carry out routine inspections at production facilities. It is equipped with a gas analyzer and can independently perform scanning to detect methane leaks where required.
Another peculiar feature of the new product is its multifunctional platform, which makes it possible for the inspection robot to carry various instruments, sensors and mechanized equipment for auxiliary purposes.
The robot was manufactured in Tomsk as a joint project of Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk and Cognitive Robotics. Its first tests under the control of an operator were held in September 2024 at the Volodino compressor station, Tomsk Region.
At the next stage, it will be tested under the control of a system of Russian make that uses artificial intelligence. The positioning and movement of the robot will be ensured via satellite navigation and computer vision (analysis of data received from video cameras).
The use of the unmanned mobile inspection robot is to further enhance the reliability and safety of Gazprom's production facilities.
St. Petersburg International Gas Forum 2024 is being held at the EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre on October 8–11.