Documents signed for training gas sector specialists


A number of documents pertaining to the training of specialists for the gas sector were signed today in the presence of Alexey Miller at St. Petersburg International Gas Forum 2024.

Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk, the Amur Region Government and Amur State University signed an Agreement of Cooperation.

The parties intend to join forces in training professionals who are in demand by the enterprises of the Amur Region, inter alia, the Amur Gas Processing Plant, and to foster the region's sci-tech and socio-economic development.

The documents envisage drafting and implementing joint educational programs, performing fundamental and applied scientific research, as well as creating research & educational clusters in the territory of the projected international inter-university campus in the Amur Region.

Gazprom Invest and the Russian Student Brigades (RSO) National Youth Public Organization signed an Agreement of Cooperation.

The parties, inter alia, intend to expand the existing practice of career guidance activities among students and university graduates to promote vocational qualifications in the gas sector.

An Agreement of Cooperation was also signed between Gazprom-Media Holding and the Russian Student Brigades (RSO) National Youth Public Organization.

The document is aimed at the implementation of media projects that, inter alia, contribute to labor education of youth.


St. Petersburg International Gas Forum 2024 is being held at the EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre on October 8–11.


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