Gazprom further enhancing its Integrated System of Process Safety Management and environmental protection efforts
The Gazprom Board of Directors expressed its approval of the Company's ongoing work on ensuring process safety and environmental protection.
Gazprom has in place the Integrated System of Process Safety Management (ISPSM), which is vertically integrated. The System makes it possible to perform effective risk management and is aimed at protecting the lives and health of the employees, ensuring safe working conditions and preventing any injuries or deterioration of health condition among the personnel.
The Company maintains readiness for prompt responses to and elimination of emergencies. All types of emergency response and rescue units are constantly functioning at the Company to ensure gas, fire and blowout safety both offshore and onshore, as well as to prevent oil spills.
Constant training of employees is of great significance for maintaining a high level of safety at the Company's facilities. To that end, a digital educational space is being created. Training programs continue to be updated, material and technical capacities of educational entities are being upgraded, and educational training sites are being improved to remain up-to-date.
One of the areas for further enhancement of the ISPSM is the widespread introduction of digital solutions. For instance, a Single digital space for process safety is being formed at the Company. The project provides for both integration with corporate information systems and interaction with state digital platforms.
The Company continues its comprehensive work to implement the Environmental Policy of Gazprom.
To that end, all of the Company's investment projects are subject to environmental and energy efficiency reviews, and the Company's subsidiaries and contractors are subject to compliance checks as regards environmental safety and rational use of natural resources. In the implementation of projects, Gazprom places great emphasis on the preservation of natural ecosystems and habitats of rare and endangered species of plants and animals.
For example, in February 2024, the Company approved the Program for biodiversity preservation in the course of production operations and field development in the areas of Gazprom's activities on the Russian continental shelf in the Arctic. The program accumulates the previous experience and best environmental practices of the Gazprom Group companies in said region and sets out uniform requirements and approaches for ensuring the efficiency of operations in the long term.