Gazprom reinforcing technological sovereignty of Russia


A number of documents for the development and production of domestic equipment for Russia's fuel and energy complex were signed today at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2024.

Gazprom's systematic cooperation with Russian enterprises and research organizations contributes to strengthening the technological sovereignty of Russia.

Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee and the heads of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation – the Astrakhan, Tomsk and Voronezh Regions – signed Roadmaps to expand the use of high-tech products, including import-substituting ones, for the benefit of Gazprom.

Alexey Miller and Igor Babushkin,
Governor of Astrakhan Region
Alexey Miller and Igor Babushkin,
Governor of Astrakhan Region

Alexey Miller and Igor Babushkin, Governor of Astrakhan Region

Alexander Gusev, Governor of Voronezh
Region, and Alexey Miller
Alexander Gusev, Governor of Voronezh
Region, and Alexey Miller

Alexander Gusev, Governor of Voronezh Region, and Alexey Miller

Vladimir Mazur, Governor of Tomsk
Region, and Alexey Miller
Vladimir Mazur, Governor of Tomsk
Region, and Alexey Miller

Vladimir Mazur, Governor of Tomsk Region, and Alexey Miller

The documents cover the period from 2024 through 2027.

The regions will prepare the consolidated proposals of the enterprises regarding the manufacture of advanced equipment for the use at Gazprom's facilities. The Company will analyze the capabilities of the enterprises, assess the compliance of the proposed products with the corporate technical requirements, and estimate the needs of Gazprom's subsidiaries. As soon as the products successfully pass the certification procedure, they will be permitted for use at Gazprom's facilities and be eligible for the Company's procurement procedures.

The Roadmap with the Astrakhan Region was signed for the first time, while the existing Roadmaps with the Tomsk and Voronezh Regions were updated.

The implementation of the Roadmaps signed with Russian regions has yielded tangible results. For instance, by now, the enterprises of the Voronezh Region have mastered the production of wellhead and downhole equipment for gas production. Plants located in the Tomsk Region manufacture telecommunications equipment to ensure communication at Gazprom's facilities, as well as axial blow-off and control valves for regulating gas flows.


A number of documents were signed in the presence of Alexey Miller.

A Coordination Agreement was signed between Gazprom and CenterEngineering.

Oleg Aksyutin, Deputy Chairman of
Gazprom Management Committee, and
Dmitry Berngardt, Director General of
Oleg Aksyutin, Deputy Chairman of
Gazprom Management Committee, and
Dmitry Berngardt, Director General of

Oleg Aksyutin, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee, and Dmitry Berngardt, Director General of CenterEngineering

The parties will develop and manufacture a new stationary gas turbine engine with a capacity of 10 MW specially for the Russian fuel and energy complex. In the future, this product will serve as the basis for the creation of a range of 6–25 MW engines.

Gas turbine engines of different capacities are used at compressor stations for the production and transmission of gas, and at power facilities for power generation. The newly developed equipment is planned to be used for renovating the existing infrastructure and at prospective facilities.

The Agreement also envisages that CenterEngineering will provide comprehensive maintenance and major repairs of the equipment at Gazprom's compressor stations.


Gazprom, Gazprombank and Russian Quantum Center signed an Agreement of Cooperation.

Dmitry Zauers, Deputy Chairman of
Gazprombank Management Board,
Oleg Aksyutin, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee, and
Ruslan Yunusov, co-founder of Russian
Quantum Center
Dmitry Zauers, Deputy Chairman of
Gazprombank Management Board,
Oleg Aksyutin, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee, and
Ruslan Yunusov, co-founder of Russian
Quantum Center

Dmitry Zauers, Deputy Chairman of Gazprombank Management Board, Oleg Aksyutin, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee, and Ruslan Yunusov, co-founder of Russian Quantum Center

The parties will cooperate on the matters related to the creation of high-tech solutions and equipment on the basis of quantum technologies, i. e. cutting-edge developments that make it possible to bring the processing of large volumes of data to a fundamentally new level.

The potential areas of cooperation include the use of quantum technologies for geological modeling; optimization of processes for hydrocarbon production, transmission and processing; diagnostics of the equipment for the fuel and energy complex; and establishment of protected communication channels.


A Coordination Agreement was signed between Gazprom Shelfproject and the Machine Building Division of State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.

Igor Kotov, Director General of
Machine Building Division of State
Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom,
and Alexander Korobkov, Director
General of Gazprom Shelfproject
Igor Kotov, Director General of
Machine Building Division of State
Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom,
and Alexander Korobkov, Director
General of Gazprom Shelfproject

Igor Kotov, Director General of Machine Building Division of State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, and Alexander Korobkov, Director General of Gazprom Shelfproject

Gazprom Shelfproject is a single competence center for the implementation of the Gazprom Group's offshore oil & gas projects on the Russian continental shelf.

It is planned to use the production assets of Gazprom Shelfproject, for instance, for the transportation of the casings of floating nuclear power plants produced by Rosatom.


Gazprom 335, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) and Nizhegorodskiy Zavod 70 Letiya Pobedy (Nizhny Novgorod Plant of the 70th Anniversary of Victory) signed an Agreement of Cooperation.

Ivan Maslenitsyn, Director General of
Gazprom 335, and Viktor Martynov,
Rector of Gubkin Russian State
University of Oil and Gas
Ivan Maslenitsyn, Director General of
Gazprom 335, and Viktor Martynov,
Rector of Gubkin Russian State
University of Oil and Gas

Ivan Maslenitsyn, Director General of Gazprom 335, and Viktor Martynov, Rector of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas

The parties intend to train specialists in high-tech machine building for the enterprises of Russia's fuel and energy complex.

For that purpose, a specialized research & education center will be created and programs of additional vocational education will be developed at Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.


Gazprom and Alfa-Bank signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

Vladimir Verkhoshinsky, First Deputy
Chairman of Management Board/Chief
Managing Director at Alfa-Bank, and
Famil Sadygov, Deputy Chairman of
Gazprom Management Committee
Vladimir Verkhoshinsky, First Deputy
Chairman of Management Board/Chief
Managing Director at Alfa-Bank, and
Famil Sadygov, Deputy Chairman of
Gazprom Management Committee

Vladimir Verkhoshinsky, First Deputy Chairman of Management Board/Chief Managing Director at Alfa-Bank, and Famil Sadygov, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee

The parties plan to expand their cooperation in a range of areas, including with regard to securing corporate and project financing of the Gazprom Group companies and conducting treasury transactions.


The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2024 is being held at the EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre from June 5 to 8. The main theme of this year's Forum is “The Formation of New Areas of Growth as the Cornerstone of a Multipolar World.”


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