Documents signed to develop sci-tech cooperation
A number of documents relating to the development of scientific & technical cooperation were signed today at the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum 2023.
Gazprom and the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas signed the R&D Program for 2024–2026 aimed at implementing the technological priorities set out under the Gazprom Innovative Development Program. The Program provides for research in the spheres of geological exploration, development and operation of hydrocarbon fields, including offshore activities of this kind with the use of subsea production systems, as well as in gas transportation and underground storage.
Gazprom and the Comita Group of Companies (Republic of Slovenia) signed the Scientific & Technical Cooperation and Partnership Program for 2024–2028. Under the existing Program, which expires in 2023, the companies have created a unique domestic software package providing intelligent control of processing facilities. The parties will continue their joint efforts to address sci-tech tasks in such areas as the reliability of the Unified Gas Supply System, further enhancement of energy efficiency, energy conservation and environmental protection, new applications of natural gas, informatization, and automation.
On the margins of the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum 2023, Gazprom and Zagorsk Pipe Plant signed the Scientific & Technical Cooperation Program for 2024–2028. Under the document, the parties will cooperate in terms of launching the production of new types of pipe products, such as, for instance, high-strength pipes of K70 strength class. The document will be implemented with the use of the scientific and technological potential of both parties.
Gazprom VNIIGAZ and Innopolis University signed a cooperation agreement designed to address the tasks of utmost importance in the spheres of gas field development and pipeline transportation of natural gas.