Annual Gathering of Gazprom Classes’ pupils takes place in St. Petersburg
The Sixth Annual Gathering of Gazprom Classes' pupils from across Russia took place in St. Petersburg. The event brought together 150 boys and girls aspiring for careers in the oil and gas industry.
For several days, the young people taking part in the event were immersed in research activities together with their mentors from among the Gazprom Group employees and the teachers from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (one of Gazprom's anchor universities). The participants of the Gathering divided into teams to prepare their own projects focused on solving practical tasks. For instance, the projects focused on such areas of activities as operating gas trunklines and compressor stations, energy saving, ensuring industrial safety, as well as using artificial intelligence and artificial neural networks for automation in complex industrial processes.
The pupils have demonstrated well-coordinated teamwork and a high level of knowledge, which was acquired, inter alia, in terms of additional educational programs offered at Gazprom Classes. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University hosted the presentations on the projects delivered by the teens.
Lectures and master classes on the development of personal competencies, digital modeling, cybersecurity of information systems, and business economics were organized for the participants of the Gathering. The pupils of Gazprom Classes were also invited to visit a compressor station of Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg and learned about the operation of the facility.
The Gazprom Classes project is currently being implemented in 27 educational institutions in five Federal Districts of the Russian Federation with support from 22 subsidiaries of Gazprom.
The project aims to offer early career guidance to pupils and subsequently provide the most able of them with employer-sponsored targeted education in relevant educational institutions so that they can get professions that are in high demand by the Company's subsidiaries.
The Gatherings of Gazprom Classes' pupils have been held annually since 2016 with the participation of the subsidiaries and partner universities of Gazprom.