Documents signed to further develop NGV fuel market across Russia


A number of documents for developing the domestic NGV market were signed today at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2023.

The documents aim to provide the regions with ample opportunities for using natural gas – the most eco-friendly and cost-efficient type of fuel.

Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, Denis Manturov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation – Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Anton Alikhanov, Governor of the Kaliningrad Region, and Valery Gorbunov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of AVTOTOR Holding, signed an Agreement of Сooperation.

Valery Gorbunov, Denis Manturov, Alexey
Miller, and Anton Alikhanov
Valery Gorbunov, Denis Manturov, Alexey
Miller, and Anton Alikhanov

Valery Gorbunov, Denis Manturov, Alexey Miller, and Anton Alikhanov

The document is designed for expanding the lineup of domestically produced NGVs.

AVTOTOR Holding will explore the possibility of setting up the production of such vehicles at the company's site in Kaliningrad. The Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade will consider the options of available state support measures for the enterprise. Gazprom will examine the opportunities for expanding the gas filling infrastructure in the region. The Company is ready to supply the production site of AUTOTOR Holding with the components for the gas equipment being manufactured in Russia with participation of Gazprom Gazomotornye Systemy. The Government of the Kaliningrad Region will assist Gazprom as regards allocating land plots for gas filling stations and will also create conditions for expanding the regional fleet of NGVs.

Alexey Miller and the heads of four constituent entities of the Russian Federation – the Bryansk, Irkutsk, Novgorod, and Yaroslavl Regions – signed bilateral cooperation agreements between Gazprom and said regions aimed to expand the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel.

Alexander Bogomaz, Governor of Bryansk
Region, and Alexey Miller
Alexander Bogomaz, Governor of Bryansk
Region, and Alexey Miller

Alexander Bogomaz, Governor of Bryansk Region, and Alexey Miller

Igor Kobzev, Governor of Irkutsk Region,
and Alexey Miller
Igor Kobzev, Governor of Irkutsk Region,
and Alexey Miller

Igor Kobzev, Governor of Irkutsk Region, and Alexey Miller

Andrey Nikitin, Governor of Novgorod
Region, and Alexey Miller
Andrey Nikitin, Governor of Novgorod
Region, and Alexey Miller

Andrey Nikitin, Governor of Novgorod Region, and Alexey Miller

Mikhail Evraev, Governor of Yaroslavl
Region, and Alexey Miller
Mikhail Evraev, Governor of Yaroslavl
Region, and Alexey Miller

Mikhail Evraev, Governor of Yaroslavl Region, and Alexey Miller

Under the documents, which were signed to update the agreements that are currently in effect, the work to develop the NGV market is to be intensified. Gazprom will elaborate the construction options for new gas filling facilities in the regions. The regional authorities will provide Gazprom with support as regards allocating the land plots for the construction, as well as enhancing the utilization of the existing infrastructure.

The lists and timeframes of specific activities will be outlined in the respective Roadmaps.

Three CNG filling stations of Gazprom are currently in operation in the Bryansk Region, along with one filling station in Irkutsk Region, five in Novgorod Region and four in Yaroslavl Region.


The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2023 is being held at the EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre from June 14 to 17. This year's main theme is ”Sovereign Development at the Basis of a Just World: Joining Forces for Future Generations.”


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