Gas saving technology for compressor stations wins top Science and Technology Prize


The award ceremony for the 2023 edition of Gazprom's Science and Technology Prize took place at the meeting of the Company's Management Committee.

The total economic benefit from the award-winning solutions and technologies exceeds RUB 50 billion.

The top prize went to the paper entitled “Development and implementation of a gas ejection technology to reduce gas blowdown volumes at compressor stations” by Gazprom Transgaz Kazan. The work within the research was carried out in cooperation with the relevant structural units of Gazprom, Gazprom VNIIGAZ and the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. On the basis of the work, 18 patents of the Russian Federation were received.

The technology developed by the authors makes it possible to pump natural gas out of the equipment and pipelines of a compressor station (CS) planned to undergo maintenance, doing so with almost no additional energy expenditures, and reroute this gas into the pipelines of the CS that are not involved in the maintenance operations. This ensures maximum possible savings of gas and prevents gas emissions.

The technology, which has been implemented in the gas sector for the first time ever, is now included into the Register of innovative products for use at Gazprom. It is currently applied at a compressor station of Gazprom Transgaz Kazan.

Second place went to Sakhalin Energy for the paper entitled “Development and implementation of a unique technology for controlling the disposal of drilling waste and process liquids during the development of offshore oil and gas fields.”

The author teams of the following papers also received awards:

  • “Development and implementation of an innovative technology and equipment for manual arc welding of magnetized pipes with rectangular heteropolar pulses of current” by Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk.
  • “Development and creation of a domestic innovative complex to perform special studies of core” by Gazprom VNIIGAZ.
  • “Development of sci-tech solutions and pooling of the experience gained in the construction and operation of Blue Stream, Russia's first deep-water offshore gas pipeline” by Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar.
  • “System for automated optimization of inhibitor consumption at the comprehensive gas treatment units of the Zapolyarnoye oil, gas and condensate field” by Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg.
  • “Development and implementation of operational methods for forecasting gas consumption in the area covered by the Unified Gas Supply System with the use of machine learning algorithms as a tool of proactive management of compound gas transmission systems on the basis of the new digital environment of the updated automated dispatch control system” by Gazprom Inform.
  • “Package of sci-tech solutions for ensuring internal corrosion protection of hydrocarbon production and treatment facilities” by Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy.
  • “Development of a construction technology for the structural layers of road pavements at motorways or other transport infrastructure facilities that involves the use of the BRIT construction substance” by Gazprom Neft.
  • “Implementation of the digital transformation principles by drawing on the example of the upgrades introduced into the business process of the Integrated Process Safety Management System” by Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol.


Gazprom's Science and Technology Prize was established in 1998. The Prize is an important component of the corporate scientific and technological policy aimed at promoting innovations in the Company's businesses and maintaining its technological leadership within the global energy industry.

In 2023, 17 papers from 29 subsidiaries of Gazprom and 5 third-party entities were submitted for the Prize. A total of 149 authors were in competition.

The papers were assessed by a group of experts from Gazprom and its subsidiaries. The assessment criteria included urgency, novelty, scientific and technological level (research intensity), area of application, scope of application, commercial potential, protectability of research results, their economic impact with regard to Gazprom, as well as use of domestic materials, technologies and equipment.

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