Gazprom presents its Climate Strategy at UN Conference


A Gazprom delegation headed by Oleg Aksyutin, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee – Head of Department at Gazprom, took part in the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Oleg Aksyutin (left)
Oleg Aksyutin (left)

Oleg Aksyutin (left)

As part of the Energy Day organized by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Oleg Aksyutin delivered a presentation on the topic “Climate Strategy of Gazprom up to 2050.”

The Strategy defines the priorities for further work to be performed by the Company in the area of low-carbon development, taking into account the goals of Russia in terms of achieving a balance between human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and their removals by no later than the year 2060.

It was highlighted that Gazprom is already to a considerable degree adapted to the low-carbon trend in the global economy development, as the Company's business is based on natural gas, the most eco-friendly fossil fuel in the world. At the same time, Gazprom continues the work aimed at minimizing the carbon footprint. For instance, the Company implements ambitious projects for gas infrastructure expansion in Russian regions and development of the domestic NGV market. It is planned that in 2023–2035 greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by more than 69 million tons of CO2 equivalent as a result of new projects aimed at gas infrastructure expansion and conversion of vehicles to natural gas.

To minimize the carbon footprint from its production processes, Gazprom systematically implements cutting-edge technologies. For example, to avoid any methane emissions during repair works at gas pipelines, the Company uses mobile compressor stations (MCSs). Throughout 2022, Gazprom saved more than 870 million cubic meters of gas through the use of the MCSs.

“Increased consumption of natural gas instead of high-carbon fuels, enhanced energy efficiency in all spheres of production and consumption, reforestation, wide use of CO2-absorbing crops in agriculture, and waste recycling offer a real way to achieve the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions,” said Oleg Aksyutin.

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