Agreements signed to advance production of liquefied natural gas and manufacture equipment for transportation of liquefied gases


Documents for the construction of liquefied natural gas (LNG) production capacities and liquefied gases transportation equipment were signed today at St. Petersburg International Gas Forum 2022.

Gazprom, RusChemAlliance, and Gazprom Linde Engineering signed an Agreement of Cooperation.

Agreements signed to advance production of liquefied natural gas and manufacture equipment for transportation of liquefied gases
Agreements signed to advance production of liquefied natural gas and manufacture equipment for transportation of liquefied gases

Pavel Krylov, First Deputy Director General of RusChemAlliance, Vitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee, and Vitaly Khodakovsky, Director General of Gazprom Linde Engineering, during signing

The document envisages joint elaboration of potential options for expanding the Complex for LNG production, storage and shipment which is based near the Portovaya compressor station. The current capacity of the Complex is 1.5 million tons of LNG per year; start-up & commissioning operations are underway at the facility. The parties will explore the possibility of building an additional production train with a capacity of up to 2 million tons of LNG per year using domestic technologies and equipment.

Gazprom Helium Service signed three cooperation agreements: with the Government of the Astrakhan Region, with Research & Production Association Geliymash (Moscow), and with ContainerRemService (Togliatti, Samara Region).

Agreements signed to advance production of liquefied natural gas and manufacture equipment for transportation of liquefied gases
Agreements signed to advance production of liquefied natural gas and manufacture equipment for transportation of liquefied gases

Lyubov Brish, Director General of Gazprom Helium Service, and Igor Babushkin, Governor of Astrakhan Region, during signing

The company will cooperate with the Astrakhan Region in the implementation of a construction project for a small-scale LNG complex in the Lotus special economic zone. The complex is expected to serve mainly motor vehicles, waterborne transport, and specialized machinery. In the long run, LNG might be used for off-grid gas supplies to consumers in the region.

Under the agreement with RPA Geliymash, the parties will look into the possibility of using the facilities of Geliymash to organize batch production of special thermally-insulated containers for transporting liquid helium at the temperature of minus 269 degrees Celsius. 

Agreements signed to advance production of liquefied natural gas and manufacture equipment for transportation of liquefied gases
Agreements signed to advance production of liquefied natural gas and manufacture equipment for transportation of liquefied gases

Vadim Udut, Director General of RPA Geliymash, and Lyubov Brish, Director General of Gazprom Helium Service, during signing

Geliymash is the only company in Russia that has experience in the production and international certification of cryogenic tank containers for transporting commercial helium. The first sample container of this kind has already been manufactured for Gazprom and successfully tested during the transportation of helium from the Orenburg Gas Processing Plant.

The agreement signed with ContainerRemService provides for the parties to determine the conditions on which tank containers for the transportation and temporary storage of liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) will be supplied to Gazprom. ContainerRemService has manufactured a prototype of such a container for Gazprom Helium Service. In the nearest time, the manufacturer will start testing the prototype.

Agreements signed to advance production of liquefied natural gas and manufacture equipment for transportation of liquefied gases
Agreements signed to advance production of liquefied natural gas and manufacture equipment for transportation of liquefied gases

Alexander Glazunov, Director of ContainerRemService, and Lyubov Brish, Director General of Gazprom Helium Service, during signing


St. Petersburg International Gas Forum 2022 is being held at the EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre from September 13 to 16.


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