Gazprom to provide access to network gas for residents across all regions of Republic of Mari El
Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Yury Zaytsev, Head of the Republic of Mari El, today signed an addendum to the 2021–2025 gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion program of Mari El at Russian Energy Week International Forum 2022.
Gazprom will create gas transmission infrastructure in the Kilemarsky and Yurinsky Districts. As soon as said districts are connected to the gas supply system, all districts of the republic will have access to network gas.
Under the addendum, the Company will build a gas pipeline branch together with the Mariysky NPZ (Mari El Refinery) gas distribution station (GDS) and lay an inter-settlement gas pipeline stretching from said GDS to the settlement of Kilemary through, inter alia, the territory of the Kirov Region. In Kilemary, connection to gas networks will become possible for as many as 1,400 households and three boiler houses.
Gas pipelines will also be laid in the town of Yurino in the southwestern part of Mari El. This will make it possible for almost 1,300 households and three boiler houses to connect to gas networks. To that end, Gazprom will build an inter-settlement gas pipeline stretching from the existing Voskresenskoye GDS which is located in the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
Russian Energy Week International Forum 2022 is taking place from October 12 to 14, 2022, in Moscow. The motto of this year’s Forum is “Global Energy in a Multipolar World.”
In 2022, under the Program for gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion of the Republic of Mari El for 2021–2025, Gazprom provided access to network gas for more than 300 households, as well as boiler houses in the village of Pektubaevo in the Novotoryalsky District.
Underway is the construction of gas pipelines to 11 rural communities in the Orshansky, Sovetsky, and Zvenigovsky Districts, as well as a gas pipeline branch from the Kokshamary GDS in the Zvenigovsky District. Reconstruction is in progress at the Volzhsk-1 GDS. The design and estimate documentation is being developed for the construction of gas pipelines to 46 localities of the Morkinsky, Novotoryalsky, Orshansky, Paranginsky, and Zvenigovsky Districts of the Republic of Mari El.