Board of Directors commends progress of Gazprom’s major investment projects


The Gazprom Board of Directors expressed its approval of the Company's efforts with regard to the implementation of its major investment projects.

In the east of Russia, the Company is preparing to bring into operation the Kovyktinskoye field in the Irkutsk Region and the section of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline between the Kovyktinskoye and Chayandinskoye fields. The works are going strictly on schedule. On October 25, start-up & commissioning operations under load commenced at one of the key top-priority infrastructure facilities of Kovyktinskoye – its comprehensive gas treatment unit (CGTU-2) – and at said section of Power of Siberia. The process systems and equipment currently undergo testing in their working and maximum operating modes.

The next stage is the launch of the Kovyktinskoye field and the section between the Kovyktinskoye and Chayandinskoye fields, which will take place in December 2022. This will give another impetus for even more effective development of Russia's eastern regions and for the growth of the country's export potential.

Chayandinskoye field
Chayandinskoye field

Chayandinskoye field

Gazprom continues pre-developing the Kovyktinskoye field in order to consistently bring it to the full design capacity. The gas production well stock is being expanded. Foundations are already in place and steel structures are under installation on the construction site of CGTU-3. Construction of the condensate pipeline for supplying stable condensate from CGTU-2 to the railway terminal in the Okunaysky town is nearing completion, along with the construction of said railway terminal.

At the Chayandinskoye field in Yakutia, the Company performs production drilling and is going to put new gas wells into operation before the end of the year. The construction of the second compressor workshop of the Central booster compressor station (BCS) is at its final stage. Currently, the BCS maintains the pressure required for feeding gas from the Chayandinskoye field into the active Power of Siberia pipeline (the section from Chayandinskoye to the Chinese border). The expansion of capacities at the BCS will make it possible to receive gas from the Kovyktinskoye field and carry out its further transmission.

Gazprom is gradually increasing the throughput of the Power of Siberia pipeline on the section stretching from the Chayandinskoye field to the border with China.

In the chain of gas supplies to China via Power of Siberia, the Amur Gas Processing Plant is of crucial importance. The project is 87.3 per cent complete. For instance, pre-start-up activities are underway at the plant's third production train, as well as at its second helium purification, liquefaction and packaging unit.

As part of the efforts to develop the Sakhalin gas production center, the Company continues expanding the capacity of the Sakhalin – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok gas trunkline and installing additional equipment at the onshore processing facility of the Kirinskoye field.

In the Yamal Peninsula, Gazprom is developing the gas production center which is of key importance to Russia. Production wells and booster compressor stations are under construction at the Bovanenkovskoye field, which serves as the basis for said center. Next in line is the launch of the second key field – Kharasaveyskoye. It is currently in the active phase of pre-development: the CGTU, the BCS, production wells, and the gas pipeline to the Bovanenkovskoye field are under construction.

Underway is the implementation of projects in the northwestern part of Russia. In September 2022, the output of commercial products started at the Complex for LNG production, storage and shipment near the Portovaya CS; the annual capacity of the Complex is 1.5 million tons of LNG.

The Management Committee was tasked with continuing the work on implementing major investment projects.

The Gazprom Board of Directors also reviewed the issue of implementing the results obtained by Russian industrial enterprises during their performance of public contracts for design and development activities aimed at developing, manufacturing and testing of equipment prototypes for the subsea production system.

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