Dividends of RUB 52.53 per share recommended by Board of Directors for 2021 – all-time high for Gazprom and Russian stock market
The Gazprom Board of Directors addressed issues associated with arranging and holding the Company's annual General Shareholders Meeting.
At the meeting of the Board of Directors, it was resolved to hold the annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom in the form of absentee voting and to set the deadline for ballot submission as June 30, 2022. The Meeting quorum and the voting results will be determined on the basis of votes represented by voting ballots and declarations of intention received before 06:00 pm (Moscow time) on June 29, 2022. Electronic ballots can be filled out at the elgol.draga.ru website in the period from June 9, 2022, to 6:00 pm (Moscow Time) on June 29, 2022. There is also an option to fill out voting ballots in hard copy, with their subsequent submission by mail to the following address: Gazprom, BOX 1255, St. Petersburg, 190900, or deliver them in person to the address: 2/3 Lakhtinsky Ave., Bldg. 1, St. Petersburg.
The Board of Directors approved the agenda of Gazprom's annual General Shareholders Meeting consisting of the following items:
- on the approval of the Company's Annual Report;
- on the approval of the Company's Annual Accounting (Financial) Statements;
- on the approval of the distribution of the Company's profit based on the results of 2021;
- on the amount, period and form of the dividend payout based on the results of 2021, as well as on the date when a list of persons entitled to receive dividends is drawn up;
- on the approval of the Company's Auditor;
- on the remuneration for the Board of Directors Members, who are not governmental officials, in the amount established by the Company's regulatory documents;
- on the remuneration for the Audit Commission Members, who are not governmental officials, in the amount established by the Company's regulatory documents;
- on the amendments to Gazprom's Regulation on the General Shareholders Meeting;
- on the election of the Board of Directors Members;
- on the election of the Audit Commission Members.
The Board of Directors formed the Shareholders Meeting Presidium made up of the Gazprom Board of Directors Members and approved the Company's Board of Directors Chairman Viktor Zubkov as the Chairman of the Shareholders Meeting.
The Board of Directors recommended that the Shareholders Meeting approve the distribution of Gazprom's profit based on the 2021 operating results.
The Board of Directors recommended that the Shareholders Meeting pay out RUB 52.53 per share in annual dividends based on Gazprom's operating results in 2021. Therefore, a total of RUB 1 trillion 243.570 billion (50 per cent of the adjusted net profit of the Gazprom Group for 2021 under International Financial Reporting Standards) will be paid out in dividends. This dividend payout will become an all-time high in the history of the Company and Russia's entire stock market alike.
The Board of Directors proposed that the Shareholders Meeting set July 20, 2022, as the deadline for listing the persons entitled to receive dividends. The recommended deadline to receive dividends for the nominee shareholders and trustees who are stock market professionals recorded in the Register of Shareholders is August 3, 2022; for the rest of the registered shareholders, it is August 24, 2022.
The meeting resolved to provisionally endorse and submit to the Shareholders Meeting for consideration the Company's 2021 Annual Report and the 2021 Annual Accounting (Financial) Statements of Gazprom prepared in accordance with the Russian legislation.
The meeting approved the proposals on the amounts of remuneration for the Board of Directors and the Audit Commission Members of Gazprom.
The Board of Directors reviewed the information about the results of the open tender held in electronic form to select an auditing company responsible for performing the statutory annual audit of Gazprom for 2021 and 2022 and nominated the tender winner, FBK, to be endorsed by the General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom as the Company's Auditor.
The Board of Directors endorsed the Report on related-party transactions executed by Gazprom in 2021.
The Board of Directors also approved and submitted to the Shareholders Meeting for consideration the draft amendments to the Company's Regulation on the General Shareholders Meeting. The amendments are technical in nature.
In addition, the Board of Directors adopted decisions on other issues associated with arranging and holding the annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom.