Deadline approaching to submit voting ballots for annual General Shareholders Meeting


The voting on the agenda of Gazprom's annual General Shareholders Meeting closes today at 06:00 pm (Moscow time). The Meeting quorum and the voting results will be determined on the basis of votes represented by the voting ballots and declarations of intention received before the closing time.

Starting from June 9, 2022, the shareholders had an opportunity to fill out electronic ballots at the website or deliver them in person to the address: 2/3 Lakhtinsky Ave., Bldg. 1, St. Petersburg. There was also an option to send filled-out ballots in hard copy by mail to the address: Gazprom, BOX 1255, St. Petersburg, 190900.


The Board of Directors resolved to hold the annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom in the form of absentee voting.

The agenda of the General Shareholders Meeting consists of the following items:

  • on the approval of the Company's Annual Report;
  • on the approval of the Company's Annual Accounting (Financial) Statements;
  • on the approval of the distribution of the Company's profit based on the results of 2021;
  • on the amount, period and form of the dividend payout based on the results of 2021, as well as on the date when a list of persons entitled to receive dividends is drawn up;
  • on the approval of the Company's Auditor;
  • on the remuneration for the Board of Directors Members, who are not governmental officials, in the amount established by the Company's regulatory documents;
  • on the remuneration for the Audit Commission Members, who are not governmental officials, in the amount established by the Company's regulatory documents;
  • on the amendments to Gazprom's Regulation on the General Shareholders Meeting;
  • on the election of the Board of Directors Members;
  • on the election of the Audit Commission Members.

Materials for shareholders are available on the website of Gazprom:


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