Gazprom creating infrastructure for national gas flow standard
The Gazprom Management Committee approved the 2023–2027 Comprehensive Target Program for the Provision of Metrological Support for the Operations and Technological Processes of Gazprom.
The document is aimed at further upgrade of technical equipment within the Company's facilities that provide the measurement of volumes and parameters of natural gas being transmitted.
In particular, Gazprom continues to implement fundamentally new technological solutions in metrology – namely, single-line gas metering stations equipped with ultrasonic gas flow transducers. New stations of this type are already in operation at Gazprom Transgaz Moscow and Gazprom Transgaz Kazan. The approved program provides for the construction of such innovative gas metering stations at other subsidiaries as well.
An important line of Gazprom's activities is the participation in the creation of a Special National Primary Standard for high-pressure natural gas flow. For that purpose, the project is underway for the expansion of the Ural Regional Metrology Center of Gazprom. The special software and the key process equipment of the Center under construction are of domestic design and make.
The Gazprom Management Committee also took note of the information about the progress of the Amur Gas Processing Plant construction project.
It was highlighted that the project's overall degree of readiness has reached 87.52 per cent. For instance, pre-start-up activities are being carried out at the plant's third production train, as well as at its second helium purification, liquefaction and packaging unit. Installation and pre-start-up activities for two Ladoga gas compressor units are underway at the fourth production train. The installation of the cooling unit for feed gas is complete at the fifth production train.
At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019, Gazprom and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation signed the 2019–2024 Roadmap to introduce a Special National Primary Standard for high-pressure natural gas flow. It is a process unit that will transfer the standard value of a unit of gas flow rate to flow meters at a high-pressure.
The project for the expansion of the Ural Regional Metrology Center of Gazprom envisages the creation of Russia's first-ever site for the testing, verification and calibration of instruments that measure gas volumetric flow rate (flow meters) during its transmission by trunklines under a pressure of 0.1 to 10 MPa. It will be available for all interested companies of the fuel and energy complex wishing to check and adjust the functioning of their instruments.