Gazprom’s Environmental Camp concludes its first season
The first-ever season of Gazprom's Environmental Camp has come to an end. The event brought together corporate teams from 25 subsidiary companies. The teams, which were selected on the basis of qualifying rounds, featured members aged 15 to 17 years.
Throughout the shift, boys and girls worked on the topics that were assigned to them on the first day by means of a draw. At the final stage, the teens delivered presentations on their projects covering relevant environmental issues.
After the presentations, the jury selected the best projects.
1st place – “Importance of Specially Protected Areas” (Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk). The teens explored this topic by analyzing the protected areas of Yugra. On the basis of this work, the team concluded that the creation of ecological trails in protected places will help conserve and protect the flora and fauna of nature reserves.
2nd place – “Waste Recycling” (Gazprom Pererabotka). The teens took up the problem of excessive food waste which, after processing, could become excellent biofuel.
2nd place – “Cultivation of Environmental Consciousness” (Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg). The team proposed a set of activities aimed at promoting environmental consciousness across different age groups. They also made a funny live-action video about environmentally conscious habits and prepared promotional materials under the motto “Cleanliness Around Me – Cleanliness Around the World!”
3rd place – “New Life for Food Grade Plastic” (Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol). The team made a vivid, creative presentation in which the boys and girls demonstrated the immense possibilities of making a variety of products from recycled food grade plastic.
3rd place – “Environmental Problem of Unconscious Consumption and Disposal of Unnecessary Things” (Gazprom Proyektirovaniye). The team raised the essential topic of consumption glut. Spotlighting the problem, the teens proved that we need much fewer things in our everyday lives. The presentation had a memorable ending: a video game concept entitled “The Green Life of Mark Veshchichkin” showcasing sustainable consumption as a lifestyle from early childhood.
3rd place – “Concept of Waste-Free Production: Validity and Viability” (Gazprom Transgaz Makhachkala). The teens came to the following conclusion: any environmental issue can be solved with the convergence of interests of government authorities, businesses and the population at large. They supplemented their work with an entertaining and creative showcase of their native land's traditions.
A special prize was given to the team of Gazprom Transgaz Yekaterinburg. The teens explored the topic “Ozone Layer: True and False Problems.” The jury appreciated their creative approach to such a complex subject: the team compared the ozone layer to a warm blanket enveloping the Earth.
Alikhan Alikhanov (Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy) was also awarded a special prize. He had taken part in an expedition during which he watched wild birds for several days. This prompted him to choose ornithology as his future profession.
Ekaterina Chernykh (Gazprom Dobycha Krasnodar) was granted a special prize for her commitment and in-depth study of her topic. “The knowledge I gained at the Eco Camp helped me answer questions on the topic 'World Mineral Resources' that we got during the draw. I'd like to continue studying this complex issue.”
The first season of the Environmental Camp for the children of employees of Gazprom's subsidiaries and entities took place at the Prometey health camp (Gazprom Transgaz Yekaterinburg) from March 26 to April 1, 2022.
After the preliminary qualifying rounds held at the subsidiaries, teams of five children aged 15 to 17 were established, with each team including a young professional.
A total of 25 delegations took part in the event.
Further details about the event are available on the official website and in the social networks VK and Telegram.