Metrological support program for Gazprom’s operations approved for 2022-2026
The Gazprom Management Committee approved the 2022–2026 Comprehensive Target Program for the Provision of Metrological Support for the Operations and Technological Processes of Gazprom.
It was highlighted that one of the main targets pursued by the Gazprom metrology unit is to ensure accurate and reliable measurements of gas volumes during gas transmission. Year after year, this target is successfully achieved through systemic implementation of a set of technical measures, such as installation of cutting-edge precision equipment at gas metering stations.
One of the key activities stipulated by the program is to complete the project for the expansion of the Ural Regional Metrology Center in 2023. The new complex will include a Special National Primary Standard for high-pressure natural gas flow.
This is Russia’s first-ever site for the testing, verification and calibration of instruments that measure gas volumetric flow rate (flow meters) during its transmission by trunklines under a pressure of 0.1 to 10 MPa. It will be available for all interested companies of the fuel and energy complex wishing to check and adjust the functioning of their instruments.
Other avenues of Gazprom’s work in the sphere of metrology include the construction, reconstruction and technical upgrade of gas flow measurement infrastructure at the facilities of Russia’s Unified Gas Supply System.
The specialized structural units were instructed to use the Program as the basis for drawing up annual and long-term investment programs of Gazprom as regards the construction, reconstruction and technical upgrade of metrological support facilities.
Gazprom is currently pursuing the 2017–2021 Comprehensive Target Program.
At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019, Gazprom and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation signed the 2019–2024 Roadmap to introduce a Special National Primary Standard for high-pressure natural gas flow. It is a process unit that will transfer the standard value of a unit of gas flow rate to flow meters at a high-pressure.
According to the document, the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) will provide for the development of technical documentation, as well as for the manufacturing and approval of the standard.