Comprehensive Program for reconstruction and re-equipment of processing facilities for years 2021–2025 approved


The Gazprom Management Committee approved the 2021–2025 Comprehensive Program for the reconstruction and re-equipment of gas and liquid hydrocarbon processing facilities.

The document aims, among other things, to ensure the processing of extracted hydrocarbons in the planned quantities, as well as to increase the output of commercial products.

The relevant subdivisions were instructed to use the program as the basis for the preparation of proposals related to the formation of the Company's annual and medium-term investment programs as regards the reconstruction and re-equipment of gas and liquid hydrocarbon processing facilities.

The Management Committee also took note of the information about the results of import substitution efforts made in 2020 and the operational and financial effect achieved, as well as approved the report on Gazprom's import substitution plan implementation progress for 2020.


To date, Gazprom's main processing facilities are the Astrakhan Gas Processing Plant (GPP), the Orenburg gas processing and helium plants, the Sosnogorsk Gas Processing Plant, the Surgut Condensate Stabilization Plant, and the Urengoy Condensate Treatment Plant.

The five-year Comprehensive Program for the reconstruction and re-equipment of gas and liquid hydrocarbon processing facilities was approved by Gazprom for the third time. The first document, which covered the years 2011–2015, had been adopted in December 2010.

The implementation of the Comprehensive Program for the years 2016–2020 had ensured the Company's compliance with its targets with regard to the processing of extracted feedstock for the production and supply of commercial products to the market.


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