Notice of Press Conferences to be held in lead-up to Shareholders Meeting


Dear members of the media and representatives of investment and finance companies,

We are pleased to invite you to the traditional Press Conferences of Gazprom's top management to be held in the lead-up to the Company's annual General Shareholders Meeting The Press Conferences will take place online from May 14 through June 16 as follows:

May 14 (02:00 pm, Moscow time) – “Power generation: development priorities with Denis Fyodorov, Head of Directorate at Gazprom, Director General of Gazprom Energoholding;

May 18 (02:00 pm, Moscow time) – “Strategic development. Investment projects in Russia with Oleg Aksyutin, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee – Head of Department at Gazprom;

May 20 (02:00 pm, Moscow time) – “Gazprom in foreign markets with Elena Burmistrova, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, Director General of Gazprom Export;

May 27 (04:00 pm, Moscow time) – “Activities of production complex. Investment projects in gas processing sector with Vitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee;

June 11 (10:00 am, Moscow time) – “Gas infrastructure expansion in Russian regions with Sergey Gustov, Director General of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz;

June 16 (02:00 pm, Moscow time) – “Financial and economic policy with Famil Sadygov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Mikhail Rosseev, Chief Accountant at Gazprom.

Accreditation applications from journalists, investment companies' representatives, and investment bank analysts are accepted at the following addresses: (Vitaly Kusov); (Ksenia Bukovshina).

For inquiries, please call +7 812 609-34-21.

Upon the approval of the accreditation, you will receive a reply e-mail containing instructions for setting up your online connection.

Please be advised that the accreditation procedure ends two days before the event due to the need to test communication channels individually.

The live webcasts of the Press Conferences will be available at and, as well as the Company's pages on YouTubeTwitter and VK. Audio transmissions will be available at the multi-line phone numbers +7 495 719-35-77 (in Russian) and +7 495 719-30-00 (in English).

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