Drilling of first producing well starts at Kharasaveyskoye field in Yamal
Spudding of the first producing well commenced today at the Kharasaveyskoye field of the Yamal gas production center.
Well No. 4051 with a projected depth of 2,540 meters is the first one in gas well cluster No. 5; the cluster will have 11 wells in total. This year, 16 wells are expected to be completely drilled.
It is particularly fitting that this important step in the development of the Kharasaveyskoye field was made on Russia Day.
On March 20, 2019, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, launched full-scale development of the Kharasaveyskoye field. It was planned to complete road filling and site preparation works for production facilities in 2019 and to start the drilling of producing wells in June 2020.
The Kharasaveyskoye field is the second most important field (after the Bovanenkovskoye field) in Gazprom’s Yamal gas production center. The Yamal center plays an essential part in the Russian gas industry of the 21st century.
While mostly lying onshore, the Kharasaveyskoye field also partly spreads into the waters of the Kara Sea. The field is unique in terms of its gas reserves that amount to about 2 trillion cubic meters.
Gas production at the Kharasaveyskoye field is going to start in 2023. The estimated volume of gas production from the Cenomanian-Aptian deposits is 32 billion cubic meters per year. After this, the Company is going to proceed with developing the deeper-lying Neocomian-Jurassic deposits.
The Kharasaveyskoye field development project covers a 108-year period, with gas to be produced until the year 2131.
The field’s Cenomanian-Aptian deposits are the first development target. It is planned to construct gas production wells, a comprehensive gas treatment unit, and a booster compressor station, as well as a transport and power infrastructure within the field. Horizontal wells for the offshore part of the field are going to be drilled from onshore.
To transmit gas extracted from the Kharasaveyskoye field, a connecting gas pipeline stretching 106 kilometers to the Bovanenkovskoye field will be built. The gas will then be fed into Russia’s Unified Gas Supply System.