Changes in staff and structure at Gazprom


With a view to streamlining the Company's organizational structure, a decision was made to set up Departments 644, 645, 646 and 647 at Gazprom. The activities of these structural units will be coordinated by Oleg Aksyutin, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Head of Department 623.

Alexander Mazurov, former Deputy Head of Department 621, has been appointed Head of Department 644.

Sergey Skrynnikov, former Head of Department 338, has been appointed Head of Department 645.

Natalia Chekalina, former Deputy Head of Department 621 and Head of Directorate, has been appointed Head of Department 646.

Nikolai Tkachenko, former Deputy Head of Department 621 and Head of Directorate, has been appointed Head of Department 647.

It was resolved to exclude Department 621 from the staffing structure of Gazprom.

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