Roadmap signed to expand use by Gazprom of products manufactured by Penza Region’s companies


Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Ivan Belozertsev, Governor of the Penza Region, today signed at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019 a Roadmap to expand the use of hi-tech products, including import-substituting ones, manufactured by the Penza Region's companies in the interests of Gazprom.

Roadmap to expand use of hi-tech products, including import-substituting ones, manufactured by Penza Region’s companies in interests of Gazprom signed by Alexey Miller and Ivan Belozertsev, Governor of Penza Region, at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019
Roadmap to expand use of hi-tech products, including import-substituting ones, manufactured by Penza Region’s companies in interests of Gazprom signed by Alexey Miller and Ivan Belozertsev, Governor of Penza Region, at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019

Ivan Belozertsev and Alexey Miller at signing ceremony

The document covers the period up to 2021. The Roadmap will contribute to the development of scientific, technical and industrial potential of the Penza Region's manufacturers, increasing the share of their products in Gazprom's procurements.

The regional authorities are expected to draw up a list of promising products, developments and technologies that are relevant in terms of their implementation at Gazprom's facilities. Offers from the regional manufacturers will have to be reviewed for compliance with the Company's requirements under the INTERGAZCERT system and be granted a confirmation certificate. Upon receiving said certificates, products will be included in the Single Register of equipment and materials permitted for use at the Company's facilities and may be offered to Gazprom through the competitive procurement process.


The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019 is being held at the EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre from June 6 to 8. This year's key topic is Creating a Sustainable Development Agenda.

Roadmaps signed with Russian regions are an efficient tool in Gazprom's systematic work for import substitution. Such documents are in effect with 23 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Five of these regions are also bound by trilateral roadmaps involving the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The INTERGAZCERT system was developed by Gazprom on the basis of the best international practices. The system is meant to certify compliance of products, works, services and management systems with international and national standards, as well as Gazprom's standards. The system covers a large number of homogeneous product groups, from natural gas and oil to a wide range of oil and gas machinery, automation facilities and software. Each of those product groups is governed by a specific set of standards, special rules, and certification procedures.


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