Changes in staff and structure


Kirill Seleznev has been relieved of his post as Head of Department 314 and Director General of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz due to the expiration of his contract. He has been appointed Director General of RusChemAlliance, the operator of the project for the creation of an integrated complex that will process ethane-containing gas and produce liquefied natural gas (LNG) near the settlement of Ust-Luga.

Gennady Sukhov, former Deputy Head of Department 314, has been appointed Head of this Department.

The relevant decisions on the termination of Kirill Seleznev's membership in and the election of Gennady Sukhov to the Gazprom Management Committee will be adopted by the Company's Board of Directors.

Sergey Gustov, former Director General of Gazprom LNG Saint Petersburg, has been appointed Director General of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz.

Gazprom LNG Saint Petersburg is being repurposed, renamed and reassigned as the operating company of the LNG production, storage and shipment complex near the Portovaya CS. Yury Maximov, former Chief Engineer and First Deputy Director General, has been appointed Director General of Gazprom LNG Portovaya.

Yury Lebedev, former Deputy Head of Department 333, has been appointed Director General of the Amur GPP and Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk (construction project owner).

Igor Afanasyev will continue his work in a different position at the Gazprom Group.

Vsevolod Cherepanov, former Member of the Management Committee and Head of Department 307 at Gazprom, has been appointed Deputy Director General of Gazprom Invest.

Leonid Chernoshchyokov will be replaced as Director General of Gazprom Transgaz Saratov by Vladimir Mironov, former Deputy Director General for Prospective Development at Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg.

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