Track-and-field arena opened in Kirov as part of Gazprom for Children program
An opening ceremony for a track-and-field arena built as part of the Gazprom for Children program was held in Kirov today.
The ceremony was attended by Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, Igor Vasilyev, Governor of the Kirov Region, and representatives of the Russian Olympic Committee, the Russian Athletics Federation, the regional and city authorities, and companies of the Gazprom Group. Acclaimed Russian athletes Lyubov Gurina, Anastasia Maksimova and Anna Chicherova served as guests of honor at the event.
The construction project for a large sports complex in the city district of Veresniki is being implemented in two stages. The first stage – the construction of a track-and-field arena – is completed. At the second stage, a swimming pool will be built.
The complex consists of two buildings, the first of which houses a track-and-field arena for athletics exercises and competitions, with a 200-meter running track, straight tracks for sprint and obstacle races, and sectors for long jump, high jump, pole vaulting, and shot-putting. The second building will have a 25-meter swimming pool with six lanes, a children’s pool, and a gym.
The sports complex will be open to children and adults. It will also be accessible to people with disabilities.
“Up until now, there has never been a track-and-field facility of this level in the Kirov Region. The center is equipped in full compliance with Russian and international standards. Today, the Region offers a wonderful environment in which young talent can thrive.
The Kirov Region is home to many outstanding athletes, world-class stars. We would like many more stars of this kind to rise in our country. I am convinced that the modern track-and-field arena will serve as a training ground for new champions that will make all of Russia proud,” said Alexey Miller.
After the ceremony, Alexey Miller and Igor Vasilyev had a working meeting. The parties discussed issues related to cooperation between the Company and the regional authorities, including gas infrastructure expansion. It was noted that Gazprom had recently completed the construction of two inter-settlement gas pipelines stretching to the Verkhniye Kropachi, Steklofiliny and Shestakovo population centers in the Slobodsky District. Before the end of the year, it is planned to finish the gas pipelines that will bring gas to consumers in the towns of Slobodskoy and Kotelnich. In addition, the Company is conducting design and survey works with a view to build another 14 gas pipelines.
In 2019, Gazprom will increase investments into expanding the Kirov Region’s gas infrastructure 3.6-fold to RUB 850 million (against RUB 235 million in 2018).
Particular attention at the meeting was paid to the continuing implementation of the Gazprom for Children program. In 2008–2018, the Company constructed in the Kirov Region the aforementioned track-and-field arena, a sports and health center with a swimming pool, and 14 multi-purpose sports grounds, of which 7 were inaugurated this past September. Within the coming years, Gazprom plans to build dozens of new sports grounds in the constituent entity.
Gazprom and the Government of the Kirov Region are bound by the agreements on cooperation and a wider use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel, as well as the Accord on gas infrastructure expansion.
In 2005–2017, the Company’s investments into the Kirov Region’s gas infrastructure amounted to some RUB 6.5 billion, with a total of 74 inter-settlement gas pipelines constructed. As of January 1, 2018, the Region’s gas penetration rate was increased to 40.7 per cent.
At present, there are two CNG filling stations of Gazprom in operation in the Kirov Region. They are located in Kirov. Another station is under construction in Kirovo-Chepetsk.