Gazprom and Skolkovo Foundation agree on sci-tech cooperation


Oleg Aksyutin, Member of the Management Committee, Head of Department of Gazprom, and Oleg Dubnov, Vice-President, Executive Director of the Energy-Efficient Technology Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation, today signed at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018 an Agreement for scientific and technical cooperation and partnership.

Agreement for scientific and technical cooperation and partnership signed by Oleg Aksyutin and Oleg Dubnov, Vice-President, Executive Director of Energy-Efficient Technology Cluster of Skolkovo Foundation, at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018
Agreement for scientific and technical cooperation and partnership signed by Oleg Aksyutin and Oleg Dubnov, Vice-President, Executive Director of Energy-Efficient Technology Cluster of Skolkovo Foundation, at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018

Oleg Aksyutin and Oleg Dubnov at signing ceremony

The parties to the Agreement will focus on technological challenges, including import substitution and a wider application of innovative solutions from small high-tech businesses (residents of the Skolkovo Innovation Center).

The Foundation will contribute to the development of small-business-based innovative projects oriented toward Gazprom’s technological priorities. The Company will provide advisory support for the relevant research and development activities.

The technological priorities covered in the Agreement include technologies for hydrocarbon development in permafrost and offshore areas, gas processing, efficiency improvement in operational processes, and diversification of gas delivery methods for consumers’ needs.


The Skolkovo Foundation is a Russian non-commercial government-supported entity responsible for the operation of the Skolkovo Innovation Center.

The Center was established with the goal of creating a favorable environment for its resident small businesses to conduct R&D in five priority areas: energy efficiency and energy saving, nuclear technologies, space technologies and telecommunications, biomedicine, strategic computer technologies and software.


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