Zagorsk Pipe Plant to expand product range for Gazprom


Oleg Aksyutin, Member of the Management Committee, Head of Department of Gazprom, and Denis Safin, Director General of Zagorsk Pipe Plant (ZTZ), today signed at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018 the Program for scientific and technical cooperation in 2018–2023.

Program for scientific and technical cooperation in 2018–2023 signed by Oleg Aksyutin and Denis Safin, Director General of Zagorsk Pipe Plant (ZTZ), at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018
Program for scientific and technical cooperation in 2018–2023 signed by Oleg Aksyutin and Denis Safin, Director General of Zagorsk Pipe Plant (ZTZ), at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018

Oleg Aksyutin and Denis Safin at signing ceremony

The Program is meant to further enhance efficiency in the construction and operation of Gazprom’s gas production, transmission and processing facilities.

In accordance with the document, ZTZ will adopt new technologies to produce, in the interests of Gazprom, high-strength pipes for gas trunklines with a working pressure of over 11.8 MPa, pipes with enhanced deformation capacity for crossing active tectonic faults, cold-resistant pipes, corrosion-resistant pipes for gas containing H2S, and other types of pipe products.

ZTZ will secure financing for the relevant research, development and technological activities, while Gazprom will provide organizational and advisory support.


Zagorsk Pipe Plant (ZTZ) became operational in 2015. It is one of the five Russian companies producing large-diameter pipes. ZTZ has the production capacities to manufacture 500,000 tons of longitudinally welded pipes with a diameter of 530 to 1,420 millimeters and a length of up to 12.2 meters. The company mainly caters to the oil and gas sector. ZTZ started to produce pipes for Gazprom in May 2017.


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