Mikhail Putin appointed Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee
The Gazprom Board of Directors held a meeting in absentia.
The Board of Directors approved the appointment of Mikhail Putin as Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee and elected him as Member of the Management Committee for a 5-year period.
Mikhail Putin was born in 1967 in Ivanovo. He graduated from Bubnov Ivanovo State Medical Institute and the Ordzhonikidze State Academy of Management. He has a PhD in Medical Sciences.
1999–2000: Deputy Head of Director General of Medtekhsnab at the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.
2000–2001: Deputy Head of the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Activities and Provision of Medicines and Medical Supplies at the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.
2001–2004: Head of the Department of Economic Development of Healthcare and Management of Finance and Materials at the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.
2004–2007: Head of the Medical Directorate at Gazprom.
2007–2018: Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee at SOGAZ.
2007–2018: Advisor to Chairman of the Management Committee at Gazprom.
Since 2018: Acting Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee at Gazprom.
Active State Advisor of the Russian Federation, Class III.