Alexey Miller moderates Presiding Committee Meeting of International Business Congress
St. Petersburg hosted today the 39th Presiding Committee Meeting of the International Business Congress (IBC) moderated by Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee and President of the IBC.
The event participants took stock of the IBC performance in 2018 and defined the strategic priorities for its future development. The IBC Working Committees presented their progress reports. Special emphasis was placed on the implemented projects in such areas as ecology, technological development, and staff training. Efforts focused on healthcare and development of scholarship programs will continue in 2019.
The participants approved the central theme of the next IBC General Meeting: “Natural Gas – Paving the Way to Ecological Economy.” At the invitation of Wintershall, Uniper, and Linde, the 22nd IBC General Meeting will take place in the spring of 2019 in Bonn, Germany. In addition, the participants introduced changes to the composition of the Presiding Committee and approved the IBC budget for 2019.
Also today, Alexey Miller had working meetings with Mario Mehren, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of Wintershall Holding, and Danilo Durakovic, President of Comita. The meetings were devoted to current issues related to bilateral cooperation.
The International Business Congress (IBC) is an international non-governmental and non-profit organization. The IBC has 122 members, including Gazprom, Deutsche Bank, ENGIE, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, J.P. Morgan Bank International, KPMG, Mitsubishi, Mizuho Bank, Siemens, Shell, Equinor, Schneider Electric, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Total, Uniper, Wintershall, Sakhalin Energy, Srbijagas, and others.
The IBC's supreme body is the General Meeting. The 52-member Presiding Committee exercises general management. The nine-member Board of Executive Directors is responsible for operational issues.
The Congress deals with the practical aspects of economic cooperation and brings forward proposals for debottlenecking and building a favorable environment for safe and efficient entrepreneurial activities. The IBC operates through eight Working Committees: Energy; Industry, Innovations and Prospective Development; Law, Banking and Finance; Information and Communications; Ecology and Healthcare; Modern Technologies and Prospective Oil and Gas Industry Projects; Human Resources, Education and Science; and Business Security.